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                                  "Allison come on!" Scott called from downstairs.

"Coming!" Allison called as she struggled to get her earring in. She pulled on her shoes and hurried downstairs.

"Look at you. A little dressed up for a night at the movies, aren't we?" Melissa asked from the kitchen counter.

"Well, I do have to look my best," Allison grinned.

"Alright then, Stiles, Lydia, are you two right to look after Katie while we're gone?" Scott asked.

"Good to go. We've got plenty to keep the little tyke occupied, haven't we?" Lydia said turning her gaze on Stiles.

"Oh yeah," Stiles nodded.

"Alright then, we had better get going," Scott said grabbing Allison's hand.

"Have fun," Melissa said as she walked over to her son and pecked him on the cheek.

"Bye mom," With that, the trio filed out the front door leaving Stiles and Lydia standing in the hall.

"So now..." Before Stiles could continue Katelyn started to cry; sighing the child's godparents, headed towards her parents' room where she was lying in her crib. Katelyn was now 6 months old.

"Oh what's wrong, Katie?" cooed Lydia as she picked the infant up and bounced her off her hip. The child stopped crying almost instantly.

"Wow, that is the quickest I have seen her stop," Stiles said in astonishment.

"Well, I must a mother's touch," Lydia said simply. Katelyn stretched her arms out to Stiles wanting him to take her.

"Here, let me take her," Lydia didn't argue with him and did as he wanted. Katelyn laid her head on Stiles' shoulder as he soothingly rubbed her back.

"Well done, Stiles. You actually managed to her to sleep," Lydia said crossing her arms.

"You just called me 'Stiles'. Normally you call me Stinkweed as a kind of insult," Lydia looked rather hurt but in a mocking sort of way. She placed a hand on her chest.

"Me, call you Stinkweed? Never," With that she stalked out of the room and towards the living room where her homework sat on the coffee table. Stiles decided that his homework to get done seeing as he was so far behind. Being with Scott and Allison during the duration of the pregnancy had done his head in and to make things worse, the whole thing with Scott being a werewolf was getting a little complicated for even Stiles' brilliant mind to comprehend.

Scott and Allison stood in the line outside the cinema waiting to go in but their minds weren't far from their daughter and her godparents.

"Was this such a good idea? Leaving Katie with Lydia and Stiles?" Scott asked as the line started to move.

"They can handle themselves, don't worry," Allison said placing a hand on his cheek.

"Hey! Move down!" said someone behind them. Allison grabbed Scott's hand and pulled him down the line.

A few seconds later, they were sitting down the front of the crowded cinema. "What time does it start?" Allison asked.

"7:35," Scott replied checking the time on his phone. "We have at least 10 minutes to go," Allison nodded.


"Hmm?" Scott turned his head to face her.

"What do you think the possibly is of Katie having wolf genes?" Allison asked in low voice.

"I don't honestly know. We'll just have to see," Just as Scott uttered his final word the first preview started showing.

By 10pm, Allison and Scott arrived home to find Katie asleep with Stiles and Lydia with their heads on the coffee table in defeat. Allison could see the dim shadows of two complete piles of what looked like homework. The couple went over and gently shook them awake.

"Stiles," Scott said shaking Stiles' shoulder. Stiles sat up immediately.

"What happened? Where's the fire? Oh hi Scott, Allison. How was your date?"

"Ah," Scott shrugged. "They got the whole persona of the werewolf wrong,"

"Fair enough,"

"What happened? Get the baby!" Lydia gasped as she sat up suddenly.

"Relax it's only us," Allison said.

"Oh, hi," Lydia wiped her eyes. "How was the werewolf movie?"

"Hit and miss," Allison shrugged. "How was Katie?"

"A little angel of course. She's been asleep most the time," Lydia reported. Stiles nodded.

"Did you get all your work done?" Scott asked.

"Yeah. We won't fail now," Stiles said triumph dripping from his tone.

"Anyway, we're going to bed. Night guys and thank you," Allison and Scott said goodnight to Stiles and Lydia before going off to bed.

The sudden Pregnancy of Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now