The Perfect Quartz

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Jasper had taken Steven to where she was made, the Beta Kindergarten, it was used as a last ditch effort by home world during the Gem War to get more quartz soldiers on the ground, but because of location it failed. Steven looked around at the oddly shaped holes in the sandstone, some of them resembling human figures. "Jasper, you said gems were made here, right? Then why do all these holes look so..Not gem-like?" Jasper stopped and turned towards Steven, she said she was made here but she looks perfectly fine! She crouched down to his height. "It's because of where this place is, it's in a desert, Peridot knows a bunch of nerd junk about how this place works, she said all the walls are curved or something! At least I came out fine, right?" She got back up and continued walking, Steven followed. Jasper suddenly stopped a bit later, Steven bumped into her and fell over. "and this is where I came from!" She motioned upwards, Steven looked up to see another exit hole, but this one was different, it looked perfect, and it looked just the right size for Jasper to fit inside. "You came from that!?" Steven scrambled to host feet, getting excited. Jasper smirked and closed her eyes. "Yup, I was the best thing to come out of this hunk of red rock! I got the height, strength, and looks~" Jasper flexed and chuckled. "Pretty cool right?". Steven cupped his own cheeks and screamed, he grabbed Jasper's leg and looked up at her. "I have SO many questions! Like how did it feel coming out of the rock? We're you born with clothes? Was your hair as soft as it is n-" Steven was cut off by the distant sound of the Warp pad being activated, it echoed throughout the Kindergarten. Jasper rolled her eyes and stepped in front of Steven. "Here comes the fun police..". A few second later Lapis Lazuli, another member of the Crystal gems landed in front of the two, she looked furious and was giving Jasper a look. She took a few angry steps forward before taking a breath in. "How could you go and show Steven this place!? He's to young to learn about the things that went on here!" Jasper blinked before her expression went from indifferent to angry, she pointed an accusing finger towards Lapis as she approached. "I was teaching the kid some history, we were both a part of all this! I was just showing him to-" Lapis got right up to Jasper and poked her in the chest before continuing to rant, she talked quieter this time around. "Listen here Jasper, I don't want Steven near any of this, were going home" Lapis held out a hand towards Steven. He began walking forward before being stopped by Jasper. "You don't have to listen to her you know, she's not the boss." Lapis looked up at Jasper before looking back down at Steven. "She's being a bad influence right now Steven, let's go". "But- Wait." Steven began to speak up before Lapis wiggled her finger. "No, let's go!" She sighed, her water wings appearing from her back. "Let the boy talk, Lazuli!" She grabbed Stevens hand softly and lead him back. "You can't baby him his whole life!" Lapis looked offended, like she'd just been told to shut up, she grabbed at her hair before stomping up to Jasper. "I said I don't want him near here!" In her rage she threw a punch at Jasper, Jasper's head was turned slightly by the blow, her head turned back to her, slowly. Her gem glew as her helmet formed on her head. Lapis noticed what she did after it was to late, she stepped back as Jasper followed. Steven knew what was going to happen so he ran in between the two, he looked up at Jasper. "Stop! You two don't need to fight!" Jasper scooted Steven out of her way and continued walking. "Jasper, we know each other, you don't wanna fight me." Lapis smirked as she continued to walk back. "I want you tell me where we are right now, Lapis." Jasper smirked back as Lapis' eyes went wide and her smirk instantly faded. "A-a desert.." Lapis was stopped by a sandstone wall, Jasper continued approaching. "and what does a desert not have?" Jasper finally caught up to Lapis. "Water..." She held up both of her hands defensively. "Exactly." Jasper threw a punch, Lapis ducked and slinked beside Jasper, Jasper's fist left a large gash in the sandstone wall, she quickly turned around and cracked her knuckles before following Lapis, her walk turning into a run. Lapis looked behind her as she ran, she summoned her wings again and flew up, Jasper went to grab her ankle but Lapis flung herself back at Jasper, her foot meeting Jasper's face. She stumbled back and grabbed her face, she looked back and growled. "Stop it, please!" Steven ran towards them, Lapis landed in front of him. "Stay out of this, Steven". Jasper ran towards Lapis before launching herself towards her. Lapis attempted to catch Jasper but was pushed into a wall, Jasper stood up and dusted herself off, Lapis was sitting against the wall, slightly pushed into it. A crack began running up the wall, Stevens eyes followed it before eventually, it reached the top. "Watch out!" Steven ran towards the two, they both looked up and looked back at each other before the entire sandstone wall crumbles and fell on top of them, Steven stopped in his tracks. A few seconds of silence passed before Jasper bursted out of the rubble, panting as she collected herself, she gasped and looked towards the rubble "Lapis!" She began digging in the rubble, chucking chunks and pieces behind her. She dug until she found a blue hand, she gripped it and ripped Lazuli out of the rubble, she held her by the wrist before cradling her. "I'm still concious, Jasper"  Jasper's face went red, though it was barely noticed giving her colors, she dropped Lapis and sighed. "I'm sorry, I overreacted." Lapis got up, rubbing her arm and dusting off her dress. "Me too, I was being a wet paper towel." Steven ran over to both of them and captured their legs in a tight embrace. They both looked at each other and chuckled, after hearing a snort from Lapis Jasper began laughing harder, they all returned to the Warp pad and got a final glance at the desert kindergarten before warping home.

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