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don't own naruto or fairy tail

"regular talking"
《spell or jutsu》


Naruto was wandering around Konoha, looking for his sensei. It was the day after the end of the second part of the chuunin exam.

He finally found Kakashi near the Hokage tower.

"Kakashi-sensei." Naruto called.

Kakashi glanced up from his book and waited for Naruto to reach him before returning to his book.

"Hey Kakashi-sensei, can you help me train for the finals? I really need some help." Naruto admitted as he caught his breath.

"No." Was Kakashi's bored reply not even looking up from his book this time.

Naruto stood there...stunned. "W-What? Why not?" Naruto asked as his face fell in disbelief.

Unknown to the two, the other rookie nine (minus sakura and ino) and their senseis, Gai, Tenten, Lee (did not get that hurt), the hokage, Anko and her friend Yuugao who was with her boyfriend Hayate and his friend Genma were near the tower. They heard Naruto ask for help and then...they froze when they heard Kakashi's reply.

Kakashi sighed in annoyance. "Naruto, I need to take Sasuke to train. He has a tough match against that Gaara guy in the finals and needs all the help he can get." Naruto ground his teeth in anger and the other jounin scowled at what the copy ninja was doing. The other genin were confused. Why wasn't Kakashi helping his other student? Even sasuke, power hungry avenger, and secret crush of the blond with kiba shika hidan lee and shino , couldn't help but feel that wasn't fair. "Besides," Kakashi continued, "you've always got *that* chakra if you ever learn to use it and if not...well then there is always next year."

Naruto was pissed. No he was BEYOND PISSED.

Kakashi looked up from his book only to have it backhanded out of his hand by a pissed off Jinchuuriki.

Kakashi looked at the blonde in mild shock. "Naruto?"

He froze slightly in shock when he saw Naruto's eyes. They were cold as ice and full of sadness and loneliness that he had never seen even in the most battle hardened ninja. Tears streaked down his cheeks. "You lying hypocrite." Naruto breathed out with a little frozen air.

"What?" Kakashi asked, still surprised by the blondes' unusual attitude.

Naruto's eyes turned from cold sadness to burning rage. "YOU LYING HYPOCRITICAL ONE EYED PERVERTED FAVORATIST BASTARD." Naruto screamed at the top of his lungs releasing a stream of fire that he didn't notice. but the rest did.

the hokage villagers jounin and genin gaped. They had never seen or heard of Naruto being this mad at...anyone. Even when people would mock or make fun of him he would be a bit loud, but his voice was filled with...with...with so much...HATE and ANGER. AND HE BREATHED OUT FIRE!!!!

Before Kakashi could get over his dropped jaw or wide-eyed shock, Naruto continued.

"You preach that garbage about abandoning your comrades makes you lower than trash, yet you abandon me and Sakura to train the Uchiha and even then you train her some times and NEVER me. You could train us all at the same time but you just chuck me to the side. Your excuse is that Gaara will be a tough fight for Sasuke, yet I'll have to fight a bloodline wielding fate obsessed nutcase who has no problem killing another leaf genin, HIS OWN FAMILY NO LESS, " multiple keys apear awound naruto" and you have the balls to say Sasuke needs more help. But all of that pales in comparison that you had the...the...the nerve to say I'm so weak and stupid that I would have to draw on *THAT* chakra. Not only that but you think I probably wouldn't be able to do that." Naruto was in an absolute rage that would make Kyuubi cringe...which is what the mighty tailed demon fox was doing in its' cage. Everyone else was shocked by Naruto's complete and utter outrage. Kakashi was rooted to the spot. Most also noticed that there were multiple seals(magic circles) the apeared in the air "THAT'S IT." Naruto yelled as multiple trees nearby exploded from a beam of lightning from one of the seals but that went unnoticed to Naruto. "I'm done with you Hatake." That got everyone's attention even more. They had never heard Naruto address someone by their family name let alone with so much venom in his voice. "I'm done with being ignored by you, put down by the emo ass" :while nice a nice ass: naruto added in his head", and being beaten every time I say hello to the pink haired banshee harpy bitch." Every jaw dropped. Naruto had just...insulted Sakura. "After months of being on your team, you only taught me tree walking...but only after an A-ranked nuke nin nearly killed us. And don't think I don't know about you training Sasuke before and after team training and missions to train him in jutsus' and advanced techniques Hatake. I'm done with this whole Uchiha centric team. I'm going to train and when I get back, I'm kicking the broody Hyuuga's ass. And when I'm done with the exams, I'm getting transferred and I never want to see you or sakura ever again...YOU GOT THAT YOU FAVOURATIST PERVERTED SCARECROW" Naruto then turned and stalked away, with books appearing and the seals turned into lightshows, and ki he was unconsciously leaking, enough to make even the Hokage tremble in terror. that was not even the foxes that was purely naruto!!

the people wisely stepped aside to not get into the deadly emotional demon vessels path.

then the hokage gennin and junnin walked up to kakashi. the first to speak was sasuke "YOU JUST FUCKED UP BIG TIME YOU BASTARD" he yelled and chased after naruto with kiba shino shika hidan and lee, but after they all kicked kakashi in the uprights. he falling down multiple times from pain, especially from lee's that sent him through 2 stone walls that are 1 feet thick.

the the jonnin came up and punched him 1 time each into a wall. and the hokage came and dragged him scrraming to the T and I dipartment with a smiling anko.


now we see naruto sitting on a log being hugged by the people that went after him.

"hey naruto I been wanting to get this off of my chest" started sasuke but was shut used by naruto putting a finger on his lip.

naruto then said "i know about all your fealings and I want you all to know I am in the clan restoration act for me being the last namikaze and uzumaki. and I have contracts with shino shika kiba and sasuke" he stated blankly at them,"but I need to tell you I am the vessel of the 9 tail demon fox and my dad minato, the fourth hokage, sealed it in me. do you hate me now" asked naruto nervously. they all looked at each other.

"why would we hate you naruto?" kiba stated "you are only the prison not the prisoner" he said laying his head on naruto's muscular chest as they rest were on his chest or shoulders.

naruto hugged them all. but then he noticed something. books and Keys floating and seals in the air. naruto graved one of the keys with the symbol of a cross then all the books and Keys fell while the seals diapeared. naruto looked at the key and moved it around. a seal apeared and there the spirit of the southern cross crux (not doing all of that stuff with describing the spirits they are the same but the twins and Sagittarius are eclipse looks snake charmer is like madusa and leo will be different.)

the old man face on the cross looked around and then stared at naruto "hello naruto I am the crux the southern cross. i am a spirit you can summon with the keys. we each have different powers and will explain I do time but first" the cross said putting his hand of naruto's forehead. "you are descendent of Lucy haertfilia natsu dragneel grey fullbuster and zeref dragneel. you can use all of the celestial keys, then you have ice make magic, dragon devil phoenix  and god slayer, magic puppet,  all the powers of zeref and his demon the ark of magic (all regular magic) and the ark of the lost (all lost magic) and the forbiden ark (forbiden magic)" the cross said just as a portal appeared and sucked all of them in it not to be seen until the 1 month and 3 weeks


Next will return

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