8: let the games begin

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Along the way, I notice Princeton, my brothers best friend walking down the hall. His brown hair is spiked up attractively. His blue eyes catch mine and he halts.

“Emmerson? What the hell are you doing here?” He grins and pulls me into a hug, spinning me around. I shriek, “Princeton! Put me down!”

He laughs but obliges. I glare at him and he shuffles my hair around. I groan, “Will you ever stop teasing me?” I huff and blow my bangs out of my face.

“Nope.” He says, popping the ‘p’. “You didn’t answer my question, Emmy! Why aren’t you in Blakesford School?” He questions and I sigh.

“I just wanted a change.” I explain and he shrugs, “Does Loyd know you’re here?” He asks and I shake my head, “No. But he will, soon.”

“Huh. You’ve changed. What happened to the cute, little quiet girl I used to play in the tree house with?” He asks and I smile, “She grew up.”

Princeton had been a family friend since we were eight years old. He’d formed a reliable friendship with Loyd and myself. Except, Loyd and Princeton are practically inseperable friends.

I love Princeton like a brother, he’s been there for me for nearly ten years.

“Well grow down, I want Emmy back.” He teases and I roll my eyes. He flings his arm around my shoulders and we walk down the corridor.

I notice Harry outside, wearing a dark green beenie, leaning against the wall next to a blonde dude. He catches me staring and his eyes grow wide. His body immediately retracts from the wall so he’s standing straight.

The blonde dude stares at him, puzzled and asks him what’s wrong. Harry doesn’t reply, though. He just stares at me as I stroll past with Princeton.

Harry suddenly notices the boy walking beside me and his eyes turn to slits when he notices Princeton’s arm around my shoulder. I shake my head.

I cast my eyes away from Harry and continue down the hall. I receive a lot of glances, girls especially and inwardly laugh at the fact that some girls could be jealous that I’m friends with Princeton. Who wouldn’t be jealous? Princeton is the nicest guy ever.

When the bell goes, Princeton escorts me to my class. I thank him and enter the classroom. All eyes are on me and I feel my cheeks heat up a little. I’m not used to so much attention.

“Oh hello! You must be Miss Evans!” A short old lady with grey hair and glasses giggles. I nod cautiously and she grins, “Well aren’t you lovely! So pretty! Why don’t you introduce yourself, sweetheart?” The teacher asks with a big smile.

I nod quickly, wanting to get this over with. And the teacher’s smile is kind of freaking me out a little, too.

“I’m Emmerson Evans…” I begin but cant think of anything else to say. The teacher notices I haven’t really anything to say and she smiles comfortingly, “Do you play any sports love?” She asks and I nod.

The Pregnancy (Harry Styles FanFic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant