Chapter 1 - Alexandra Mikaelson

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AN - I'm so excited for this fan fiction about Damon Salvatore I absolutely love the vampire diaries! And I hope you like my writing and the characters within it.
(Alex's POV)
'What's a siphoner mother?' I questioned sitting down disappointed in myself as I had just been kicked out of the family. My mother and father were furious with me but was it really my fault. My mother was faffing about packing my things ready to kick me out. She was ignoring everything I was saying. 'Mother' I stood in front of her 'please listen to me... I need answers' I begged. I needed to know what a siphoner was, am I the only one?, how much power do I have, how can I control it etc. My mother sighed and sat down in front me.

'There's a coven of witches called the Gemini coven and... I had an affair' she nodded. 'Me and Mikael had an argument, fighting like we always do and I had a friend who was a witch...' she looked down fiddling with her thumbs.

'You had an affair on father?' I questioned. 'But I thought after having Klaus you had made up' I shook my head.

She gulped. 'Your father is good to this family he protects us... but we fell out of love a long time ago... now we're just two parents trying to bring our children up' she shrugged. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. 'I slept with a witch from the Gemini coven not knowing what the consequences would be and then I fell pregnant with you I had to believe you were mikael's but deep down there was always a chance that you could've been related to the Gemini coven' she explained.

'But they were all witches and I'm not'

'Some of them were witches and some of them were siphoners' she explained. 'Siphoners are supernatural who can absorb a witches power or spell and use it themselves as their own magic but it is very dangerous' she warned. 'When you grabbed me you siphoned half of my power and that is why I can't have you around you will hurt people Alexandra maybe even your brothers or sisters and I can't have that' she demanded.

'So I'm being chucked out because I absorb powers?' I questioned.

'When a siphoner is found they are chucked in a prison world left to rot away' she grabbed my shoulders 'I'm letting you off easily' she nodded.

'Mother!!!' A voice shouted which sounded like Niklaus from outside. We both ran outside to see Niklaus holding a boys body. 'I'm sorry' he sighed dropping to the floor with a boy covered in blood.

'Henrik!' She pushed past everyone and fell to the floor crying her heart out. That little boy was our youngest sibling. 'What happened!' She yelled at Niklaus.

'We was watching the werewolves on the full moon and Henrik he got too close' he started to cry too. We all knew that father would go mad especially as it's Niklaus. 'Mother I'm sorry I tried to protect him... I did' then in the distance father was there staring at what had happened to his youngest son. I stood in front of father blocking him.

'Father he didn't mean it' I sighed. 'Henrik got too close' I explained. Niklaus stood up and Mikael was not happy with him.

A few years later my mother had conjured up a spell. She couldn't handle loosing another one of us. She had decided to let me stay as long as I kept from siphoning from anyone otherwise she threatened to hand me over to the Gemini coven. 'Drink this' she said it didn't look at all promising. Even Finn looked very questionable at it. 'This spell will make you all immortal' she smiled. 'Beware that this is dark magic I'm using but I'm doing it to protect you all' she nodded.

We all drunk up but then I felt a sharp pain through my chest. My own father or so called father had stabbed me with his sword. I looked him in the eye as he did it with no remorse. I fell back on the floor bleeding out, watching the rest of my siblings be murdered in front of me. I managed to hold Kol's hand before drifting off.

My eyes opened wide. Was I in hell?. My skin was burning and my stomach felt as if I hadn't had been fed in years. My mother was standing there. 'Now all we need is for all of you to complete this transition' she grabbed one of our neighbours and Mikael sliced her throat. I had an urge to feed off of her. What have they done to me? I questioned as I walked over to this body the pulse the urge was stronger. I could rip their whole head off if I was allowed. 'It's okay dear... drink, otherwise you'll die from not completing the transition' she explained. I stood there starring wondering what the taste would be like. Kol went first and didn't seem to stop. Soon after he grew a set of fangs as he screamed in pain as they come through. 'Alexandra' she ordered. I tasted only a bit of the blood dripping from her neck but before long I was hooked on my main goal to drink every last drop. My father pulled me off as if to say that enough.

After all of us had completed this transition mother had made us these rings. 'These rings will keep you save from the sun' she put mine on my middle finger. 'Please promise me you won't become monsters' she looked at me and Niklaus. We were the outcasts all because our mother didn't love Mikael. 'I've solved your siphoning power' she nodded. 'You no longer have to hide' suddenly...

Klaus ran outside huffing and puffing. Every now and then you would hear him scream. 'The moon' I ran outside to see my brother in pain as every bone snapped in his body but he wasn't turning into a werewolf. He growled and his eyes they turned a golden yellow. 'Klaus' I questioned. He roared and looked at me as if to say what's happening and that is one question I didn't know how to answer. 'Mother! Somethings wrong with Niklaus' I looked at my mother and she was shocked. 'Mother help him' I took her hand and again I felt me drain her magic. She stubbles back falling into Elijah's arms. 'Oh god no she said she had fixed it' I cried waving my hands around. All of our siblings watched Niklaus in pain and me panicking.

Kol grabbed my shoulders and shook me trying to snap me out of my panic. 'Alex it's okay you didn't mean it' he shrugged. He kept tugging on me.

I held my hands then forced a pushing motion towards him 'get off me!' I screamed out at him. Before my very eyes kol flew through the air. He fell to the floor and got straight back up staring at me. I looked at my hands, I have magic now. I aimed a scowl at my mother and picked her up with my powers. 'You did this to us!' I shouted in anger. 'What are we!? Why are we so different?!' I pinned her up with my hands up against the wall. 'Why are me and klaus different' I said.

'I've made a mistake' she panted. 'I didn't take away your power I must've given you some.. this can't be happening and klaus he is now half vampire half werewolf' she looked at me.

'Then what am I Mother?' I stared sat her.

'I never thought of anything like this but you are half vampire and half witch' she shook her head. 'I've made a worse monster... You're the first heretic' I let her go and looked at myself. 'Heretics have a lot of power, meaning sometimes they can't control it and now you're a newbie vampire so I've just made this situation ten times worse'

After that night nothing was the same to being a human. We would always have urges to slaughter our whole village, I would have to keep my powers under control where as klaus he would turn every night without fail. Our village was afraid of us they had heard rumours about what went on that night.

I used my powers only a little bit to keep me sane by growing some plant seeds. Watching them grow was amazing, starting from a little seed to twining the stem and then out blooms the flower. 'How can I be the worst one of them all?' I question. Father hates us for what we are we feed on the innocent and sometimes it's hard to stop and compel them.

'The one and only big bad heretic' I sighed. 'How can these powers be so bad?' I question.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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