186 13 4

millie: henlo

millie bobby brown added maddie ziegler and mackenzie ziegler to the chat.

millie: you're welcome

maddie: oh no not a gc

wyatt: oh yes tis a gc

jack: maddie is shook

wyatt: she's shaken like bacon

finn: daily mood

lilia; saMe tbh

ellie: ^

finn: ur still here?

lilia: ??

finn: not you

ellie: me?

finn: yea

jack: finn wth

finn: what

chosen: omg

jaeden: oh no

jack whatever

jack: forget it

sophia: jack it's fine


jack: ITS NOT

finn: lmao calm down. it was just a joke

jack dylan grazer removed finn wolfhard from the chat.

wyatt: tf

we needed some drama so here you go

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