Another Bad End Part I

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Note Story continues on AO3 under the pen name michimichihachiko

MC's eyes bolted open to an unfamiliar white ceiling. This wasn't her room in Magenta. The ceiling there was beautifully textured and very much more comforting.

She had been in similar situations a few times in her life - after getting blackout drunk during college and waking up in unfamiliar places not having any idea of where she was or how she got here. But all those times her memories would flood back to her within a few moments.

This time was different. She felt incredibly numb.

No matter how much she tried, she could not for the life of her remember what landed her in a hospital bed, strapped up to several IVs, in South Korea.

She could remember she was in Magenta, and it felt right being there. She was in her room when she was blindfolded and then....

A small glimpse of a memory hit.

She couldn't see anything around her. Just vague glimpses of memories from Magenta.

She sat up quickly, letting out a gasp that was met with the sound of fallen hardware on hospital tile.

Startled, she quickly turned to her right to find a familiar face staring straight back at her.

Something was off... It was his face although the eyes were different.

MC let out a small cry but quickly covered her mouth - he hated it when she made noise.

Her instincts told her to get away from him. She frantically started scrambling around trying to physically distance herself from him without falling off the bed.

"MC! Please... I - I'm not Sae - I mean... It's just me, Seven. From the RFA." He stepped forward as MC continued to distance herself. "I'm sorry I shouldn't be here..."

It was true. Zen should have been there instead.

Since the incident, the members of the RFA had decided that one of them would always stay in MC's hospital room so she wouldn't be alone when she woke up. They had all agreed, however, that it wouldn't be in her best interest to wake up to Seven.

But since Zen had a last minute audition that morning and Saeyoung was in the building across the street visiting his brother in the psych ward, he unreluctantly offered to cover Zen's shift. They both agreed it would be fine for a couple of hours - no one else even had to know.

The guilt Seven had felt for not coming for her and V sooner was eating him alive. If only he hadn't been so distracted with his father then he would of seen the warning signs. He was hoping that watching over her for awhile would give him peace of mind. He never imagined she would actually wake up in the two hours he was there.

"MC, please! You'll hurt yourself!"

She couldn't hear him. She just wanted to get away. She grabbed on to her IV stand and readied herself to get out of the bed.

"W-wait! Don't get up! You've been out for over almost two weeks, your legs won't -" Seven rushed towards her just as she collapsed on the floor. For the first time she was able to have a close look at her own body. Several fading bite marks, small burns and partly healed bruises covered her entire body. Riddled with confusion and anxiety, MC could only start to uncontrollably sob, while accepting her fate with this familiar stranger in her hospital room.

The sight of her condition broke Saeyoung's heart, he couldn't help but to feel like some extension of himself did this to her.

Keeping his distance he crouched down on the ground to her level but she refused to look up at him.

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