247 15 4


Queens, New York

November 27 , 2017 7:00pm

"Why are you moving anyway? " I say to my mom on the phone as I quickly move around the kitchen trying to get Aubrey and Zaire dinner ready.

" because honey i was hired for a Co-directing the program, and they have good schools. You know how important football is Ciah. " she answered and i sighed .

"I know ma " i made their plates and put my phone on speaker. I sat them in their high chairs and gave them their food and their little sippy cups.

"Hi nana!" Aubrey said excitedly

"Hi baby! ... wait..which one was that?" She asked and I laughed

"Aubrey momma" I giggle

" California is nice state Onika, I don't know why you don't come with us. I could help you get a nice home. Get the babies in nice schools , and help you with going to a better 4 year college " my mom spoke. "Well you know let Safaree know of course"

I roll my eyes just at the mention of his name.

"He's not in their lives anyway so I don't want to hear him comment on anything that has to do with these kids" I say slightly irritated but not towards my mom.

"He still has growing up to do.  if he fails to suck it up and take care of them, then take him to court" my mom said  

"Nah, I don't need money from him" I started " I mean I was basically taking care of his grown ass , once upon a time"

"Well like I said , I can help. You know I want nothing but the best for my babygirl and my grand babies"

"I know mom" I say and I looked over to see how the kids were doing . Of course Zaire's face was full of spaghetti. Noddles were all in his hair. "I know how important football is to Ciah, and UCLA has a great team"

I walk over to him and grab the wipes and start wiping his face and cleaning the noddles out his hair. This little boy laughed as if it's funny. I chuckle and shake my head .

Little bad butt

"I'm assuming this means it was good huh?" I say and pick him up and walk to the bathroom to start his bath. "Hey mom I'll call you back"

"Alright honey" we say our goodbyes then I hang up the phone

"Alright little naked boy, you want your bath toys?"

"Yes mommy" I kissed his cheek and ran the water,

"Mommy I done! " Aubrey yells

"Okay baby ! "

I checked the water and it was warm enough. I sit Zaire in the bath water and hand him his bath toys "I'll be right back "

I go back to the kitchen and grab Aubrey , I wipe her face. I take her back to their bedroom, I get her and Zaire's pajamas out. I got Aubrey dressed, and rubbed her face with baby lotion. I also redo her ponytail .

After I got Aubrey in the bed as I turned around I saw a little butt run out the bathroom.

"Zaire? Boy " I say and shake my head

"Mommy I all clean!" He said and smiled hard

I chuckle " you're letting your sister see you naked baby boy"

He looks at Aubrey and then at me.

Aubrey giggles

"Noooo" he said and covered himself up and we laughed .

"Excuse me , that's my towel" I tickle him  " Come here " I hold up his Spider-Man pajamas.

I get him dressed and I also rubbed his face with baby lotion. "Alright I love you guys"

I walk him to his bed and kiss him good night . I then walk to Aubrey and kiss her good night. "Wuv you too mommy" they both say and I smile.

I turn their lights off and crack their door.

After a hour and a half of cleaning the kitchen, living room and getting myself ready I finally can relax.

I sigh and plop myself on the couch. "I really need a break" I say and slowly shut my eyes.

~~~~~Five Minutes Later~~~~~~

*Phone rings*

My phone rang and quickly opened my eyes


I answer it "..hello" my voice was sleepy and raspy.

"Well hello sleeping beauty " she chuckled "you still want to study tonight?"

My eyes widen , I look at my books, notebooks, and my laptop all spread out on my coffee table .

"Oh my god, Bey I'm so sorry. " I sighed and sit up. "Since I left work I've been so busy with the kids and I-"

"Nic" she said " it's fine, I understand " she giggled

"I promised you though.." I run my hand through my hair.

"It okay , we don't have to tonight. Get some rest"

"No, no, um come over and we can start" I say standing up

"Alright , I'll over in 10"

"Please ...please bring coffee " I quickly say before she hung up

She laughs "I'm on it"

"Starbucks pleaseeee" I say and smile

~~~~~~later on ~~~~~

"You know"Bey started as she typed on her laptop. I flipped through my textbook "I can always help with the kids if you need it"

I took a sip of my coffee then shook my head "no , you don't have to help. Just everything has been thrown at me" I say and set my book down and sigh.
"I'm trying to do all of this so I can provide a good life for my kids"

She nodded "I get it but if you need a break, let me know. You deserve one "

"I usually let my mo-"

"Nic, I can handle it" she laughs " let me babysit sometimes, you don't have to pay, you're my friend . You don't have to do this alone."

"Okay, okay, I'll let you babysit whenever"

She smiled

We studied and typed up our paper, we were up until 2 am .

"You mind if I crash here tonight?"

"I mean sure, but I don't really have a guest room." I said "I'm sure you don't want to sleep in a toddler bed and wake up with little fingers in your face" I laugh.

"I could sleep with you then " she said smirked

"Freak ass " I laugh as I make my way to bedroom.

"It's okay " she said and got comfortable on the couch " I'll just sleep on the couch..I'm all alonnnee..there's nobody besideee meeee.."

"Goodnight Bey" I wave and go into my bedroom .


Soooo I'm going to attempt a Beynika book 🙂

You guys like it so far?

Comment and let me know , or message me .

I have some more books in the works , I just don't know where to go with them.  But anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed it ☺️

Until next time 💕


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