Not good enough

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Raven Still hasnt come back . I was going to have to look for her . " Felix " i becconded " take care of camp whilst i am gone " I slipped in a small smile at the end . That both he and I knew wasnt ment to be friendly. I walked away from camp and traveld into my hidden house in the tree. I had to get some Pixie dust , if the lost boys knew- . I shook the thought out of my head . They couldnt know . Before entering my hidden house , i made sure that no one was watching . I pushed away they ever changing emerald leaves and went inside . As i climbed the steps i remembered how Raven had snuck in here and found my most treasured possesion . I remember the fear in her eye's as I told her of Felix's betrail to Us and he was facing his punishment. I smiled to myself . I retrieved the Pixie Dust and kept in secure on me .
Leaving my hidden house , I covered the door once more with foleage and sprinkled the pixie dust over me . I closed my eyes and thought of flying , when I opened them i had risen above all the tree's and could see for miles . I felt the cool air through my hair as it came of the sea , the mix scent of salt and pine filled my nose . I loved it , It was the Perfect scent . I looked all arounf Neverland in search of Raven , but i couldnt find her anywhere. Out of the corner of my eye I saw movement in the thick of the forrest . Raven ! . I flew down to bring her back to camp. But it wasnt Raven .

" Felix , take care of camp whilst i am gone " Pan shouted at me . I nodded my head in reply and watched him leave . Raven kept running through my mind , of her life now she was reunited with the crew of the Jollu Roger , and what her life would be like now , she couldnt leave the island so her onlu option wass to stay on the ship . My mind went back to the last time i saw her , as she sailed toward the shiop in a little row boat , her smile that stretched to each side of her face and they way her long dark brown hair as the wind pushed it back. Then I remembered her promise , to come and visit . I looked around and saw all the lost boys were quiet and getting on with their jobs . And no Pan . I got up from where i was sitting and began to make my way to the shore where we said goobye . I was doing well , and getting there a lot quicker then i expected . "Hello Felix " I heard a demonic voice behind me . And knew instantly my chances of seeing Raven and gone from possible to no chance .
" where's Raven " He yelled , his eyes glaring , his jaw and his fits clenched . I swallowed and couldn't tear my eyes away for enough time to blink knowing that in that time I could be dead .
" where is she !! " he said raising his voice
i couldn't speak . And even if I could what would I say . " FINE " he yelled . pan stormed over to me and grabbed my shirt by the collar and in an instant we where on the cliff top , I tired to find the ground beneath me but couldn't I looked I front of me and saw Pan his eyes filled with anger penetrating my emotions with his gaze . His arm was outstretched and still grasping my collar . I looked down and saw no ground beneath me . My legs flailing and my heart racing . When i didnt answer Pan began to loosen his grip on my shirt and I was panicing more " TELL ME "Pan wasnt giving up , " okay , okay " I gasped " Pans grip tightened slightly , but he didnt bring me any closer. she's on hooks ship " Pan pulled me back to the cliff where there was ground underneath me . I gasped and cling for air . I turned around expecting to see Pan standing above me . But instead saw nothing . What have I done
I ran through the island searching for Raven . Pan was coming and I had to warn her

Thimble here x . Okay so I may not be updating for a while because I have exams coming up .Also sorry this was so short. Giving you a heads up now . Ill still try and update it just won't be as regularly . I have another story on wattpad I would be grateful if you read it . It's called Dont Define Me and its my take on the mortal instruments . It's not like normal ones . Thank you for reading x love you x

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