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Will you remember me?

My name is...

Jinyoung's eyes fly open as he grasps at straws to remember. He has to remember, he can't forget. He can't forget, he can't forget!

But it's already too late. As quickly as the name came it's gone again, like leaves blown away by a cruel wind. He's left with a longing for someone he can't remember, a name he can't recall.

Your name is...

Your name is what? What is it?

The panic claws at his chest, making it hard to breath and his mouth opens in a silent scream.

He wonders if he's the only one who feels this way.


Jinyoung wonders if he's the only one who feels this way.

It was only after the past summer that the feeling that he was missing something crept up on him. Suddenly the world didn't seem as bright. Everything started looking dull in his eyes and no matter how hard he tries, he isn't fine.

"Maybe you need a girlfriend." Daehwi suggests hopefully. Jinyoung grimaces, certain that wasn't the problem. His friend frowns, pushing back. "Then what do you think it is? Face it hyung, you're just lonely."

"But..." He trails off, unable to rebut because Daehwi has started going off into a rant.

He's sure that he doesn't need a girlfriend. It won't fill the gaping hole he feels inside, because it isn't what he's searching for.

He knows it won't go away no matter how hard he tries.


She won't go away no matter how hard he tries.

Hwari's a nice girl. Daehwi would only introduce the best to his favorite hyung, but she isn't it. She isn't the one he's searching for. She doesn't fill the gaping hole in his soul.

Hwari doesn't seem to understand no matter how far Jinyoung pushes her away. She's annoyingly persistent, and on a hot summer day he can't take it anymore and snaps.

"Just leave me alone! I don't want you around!" He hisses, and the girl flinches at his palpable anger. Hwari has only ever approached Jinyoung with the kindest of intentions. She could sense how lonely he was, and only wanted to help him

Somehow Jinyoung reminds her of a wounded animal who's lashing out in fear. His eyes reflect his conflicted emotions.

Hwari's still hurt by his words, but the resemblance makes her want to reach out. To reach out and soothe his wounds, to tell him everything will be all right.

Her hand raises cautiously as she waits to see if Jinyoung will bat her away. Despite the fear in his eyes as he glances warily at her outstretched hand, he doesn't do anything.

"It's okay... You'll be fine." She whispers out, hand settling on his cheek. There's tears in her eyes as she tries to comfort, and Jinyoung is lost in the deep brown of her orbs.

Large expressive brown eyes.

They vaguely remind him of someone, someone important.

He doesn't want to look away.


He doesn't look away.

Daehwi's eyes are large and rounded in shock, and his jaw is hanging open while Guanlin doesn't seem to care as he eats his red bean bun.

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