Chapter 1 " fresh start" page 2

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Anthony slowly makes his way over to the bar spotting a blonde girl at the bar all alone sipping on a martini . Anthony plays it cool and sits on the bar stool eyeing the bartender shouting " I'll have a captain Morgan "! The bartender nods preparing the drink for Anthony . Anthony's eyes wander around and slowly back at the girl who seemed down and depressed . Anthony clears his throat and shouts at her " hello"!!! The girl suddenly looks at Anthony a bit annoyed and says " do I know you"? Anthony looks at her thrown off and says " uhh no you don't I just thought I say hi". The girl checks Anthony up and down and says " so who's the bitch that made you loose confidence in talking to a woman ". Anthony chuckles nervously and says " ok that's not fair , I'm really trying here ". The girl sips on her martini eyeing Anthony hard and says " well a little tip, if you want to approach a girl at the bar , you have to be confident ". Anthony frowns and says " I am confident ".   The girl laughs and says " then why do you have arm pit stains on your shirt ? Anthony panics and looks down lifting his arms up. The girl busts up laughing . Anthony's face turns right red and says " oh I see your a jokester ". The girl covers her mouth laughing and says " well this is like my seventh drink so I'm kind of drunk right now ". Anthony winces and says " uh yeah I could tell , but hey your having fun , that's my kind of girl ". The girl kept laughing . The bartender slides Anthony's captain drink over to him and the bartender shouts " that will be eighteen dollars ". Anthony sighs reaching into his pocket getting out his wallet and pays the bartender . The girl still was laughing . She holds up her hand and mumbles " may I have another martini " . The bartender says " miss I'm sorry but your cut off ". The girl moans disappointed and says " oh come on it's not like I'm driving home , I'm going to call an uber ". The bartender says " I'm sorry miss but you already had one too many ". The girl tilts her head back annoyed and says " if I'm paying you why the hell do you care "?!!! Anthony looks at the girl before he can say anything the girl shouts " I just want another martini, come on "!!! The bartender says " miss I'm sorry , your cut off "! " this is the only way I can forget my ex fiancée okay , I just want to feel better , I want to stop thinking about him , gosh "!!! Anthony looks at the girl feeling bad . She begins to sob leaning back and falls off her chair . Anthony yells " shit"! The bartender looks away . Anthony quickly gets up and bends down and says " are you okay"? The girl was laying on her back and whispers " I'm too numb to even tell you". Anthony says " well I don't want to be a party pooper but the bartender is right you had way too many drinks ". The girl mumbles " why do you care "? Anthony says " because i been in your situation and it's not fun ". The girl slowly looks at Anthony and says " you were once engaged "? Anthony bobs his head yes and says " can you believe it a guy like me , engaged ". The girl frowns and says " so what happened "? Anthony says " well I don't want to get into too much details , she just wasn't who I thought she was " .  The girl looks at Anthony concerned and says " yeah this is why I won't ever date again , love literally kills ". Anthony laughs nervously and says " well I wouldn't go that far , but whoever you were engaged to , the guy is an idiot to let you go ". The girl slowly sits up and says " it's not that simple ". Anthony frowns . " I was pregnant and had a miscarriage , he blamed it on me ". Tears flowed down her face . Anthony gulps intensely and says " wow I'm sorry about that , I can't even imagine what that feels like ".  The girl busts up laughing and starts singing " I don't even know why I'm telling you this ". Anthony chuckles and says " well I didn't mean to get in your personal business, come on get up ". Anthony gently helps her up , she wobbles . She grips her forehead moaning . Anthony frowns and says " you okay "? " no I think I want too many drinks tonight ". She says . Suddenly she covers her mouth gagging , her head was bobbing in and out . Anthony's face turns pale white as she bends down throwing up all over his shoes . " oh crap!!! Anthony shouts tilting his head back annoyed .  

The girls and i approach the bar  we sit on the bar stools trying to decide what drink to order . We stare at a menu and maya says " you know what since it's my birthday I'm going to order the strawberry tequila sunrise". Quiana raises an eyebrow and says " Ima have that to, it looks really good ". Kaylee says " I want that too". Maya says " dang all y'all are copy cats ". We bust up laughing . Georgie says " not me I want the raspberry margarita ". The bartender over hears she smiles and says " so three strawberry tequilas , one raspberry margarita "... the bartender looks at me and I say " oh I'll have the vodka strawberry lemonade ". The bartender smiles nicely and says " ok coming right up" .  The bartender dances working her hips and swings cups around and gets fancy with making the drinks . The girls and I grow rowdy and clap impressed . Suddenly Maya's step sister Noelle appears looking stressed out she shouts " there y'all are "! Everyone turns around . Maya's eyes widen and says " there you are sis ". Maya gets up from the bar stool and hugs Noelle . Noelle hugs maya tightly and says " girl I'm so sorry I'm late , work literally busted my ass today , I've been driving around , plus I had to drive marks ass around since his car is in the shop getting fixed ". Kaylee says " wow Noelle you looked really stressed , you should have a drink ". Noelle looks at kaylee uncomfortable and says " you know what Ima skip out on drinks tonight ".
Maya looks at Noelle and she could tell something is wrong . Maya says " Noelle may I have a word with you"? Noelle frowns and says " uh ok". Maya grabs Noelles arm and walks away and they stop in their tracks . Maya looks firmly at Noelle and say " ok what's the deal , I know when something is wrong ". Noelle looks at maya thrown off and says " girl nothing is wrong , I'm just tired ". Maya makes a stank face and says " noelle I known you for three years already and I know when your feeling down ". Noelle says " maya you need to stop worrying , I'm fine sis , if there was something wrong , I would of told you ". Maya claps her hands and says " see that's the thing though , you never tell me anything anymore , you barely even texted me when me and Devon broke up ". Noelle says " oh god please don't even mention that jerks name ". Maya sighs and says " I'm just saying ". Noelle says " maya it's your birthday , I came to celebrate with you, don't make me say something I'll regret ". Maya frowns and says " whoa what's that suppose to mean "? Noelle claps her hands and says " you think everything has to do with you, i have a life and I have a lot going on ". Maya says " but we're family Noelle , and how can you even say that everything is about me when you were having issues with mark I was there for you ". Noelle looks down feeling upset . Maya's eyes widen and says " is that why you look upset because  your having issues with mark "? Noelle sighs and says " alright fine , yeah I'm having problems with him iight, are you happy now "? Maya says " no I'm not happy , did he do something "? Noelle shakes her head no and says " no it's nothing like that , he's been really good to me actually ". Maya says " okay now I'm just confused ". Noelle says rudely " maya this isn't the place to talk about this and I really just want a moment of peace and not think , can we not do this "? Maya frowns and says " whoa okay I understand , when your ready to talk , I'm here". Noelle shrugs and says " yeah I know that , can we just get back to the bar "? Maya sighs walking past Noelle . Maya walks back and sees the girls enjoying their drinks . Maya sees her drink and says " aww thanks for paying for my  drink y'all " Georgie says " dude it's your birthday we wouldn't make you pay ". Maya sits down relaxed . Noelle sits down by Kaylee . Kaylee says " are you sure you don't want a drink "? Noelle says " no I'm good I'm just not feeling it tonight ". Quiana says " that's actually quite surprising ". Noelle  says " look y'all I'm not wild all the time , plus I got work tomorrow ". I say " oh that sucks ". Noelle says " I'll be back I'm going to head to the bathroom I need to pee badly ". The girls laugh . Noelle gets up from her bar stool , maya watches as a thick picture of some sort falls out of her pocket . Maya frowns . As the girls talk among themselves . Maya quickly gets up and slowly bends down looking at an ultra sound of a baby . Maya sees Noelles name on top of the picture . Maya couldn't believe her eyes . She panics and starts walking away trying to find the ladies room. Maya kept searching and searching and finally finds it and swings the door open and sees Noelle brushing her hair . Maya shouts " you want to explain this to me "? Noelle jumps startled and says " God maya what"... Noelle suddenly stops talking and sees maya holding her ultra sound . Noelle stares at maya not knowing what to say . Maya says " please don't shut me out Noelle , you can talk to me ". Noelle mumbles " where did you get that "? Maya says " I saw it fall out of your pocket ". Noelle looks down and says " well there is no hiding it now , I mind as well tell you". Maya says " I'm just confused , you don't look pregnant ". Noelle shrugs and says " it's because I am not , at least not anymore ". Maya frowns and says " not anymore , what do you mean ..... oh my god ". Maya looks at Noelle stunned and says " you had a miscarriage "? Noelle nods her head yes and says " yeah I did , not a lot of people know , actually no one really knows ". Maya grips her head and says " this is why you haven't been around lately , you been carrying all this weight ".' Noelle says " I been away for other reasons not just because of that ". Maya says " I can't imagine the pain mark is feeling ". Noelle says " yeah he's in a lot of pain , I put him through a lot ". Maya says " come on sis don't blame yourself , it's not your fault okay "? Maya walks over to Noelle trying to hug her . Noelle backs up and says "  just please don't hug me ". Maya swings her arms down and says " I just want to help Noelle ". Noelle shouts " well you can't , there's nothing you can say that , that will change what happened ". Maya frowns and says " change what? What happened "? Noelle says " one night me and mark  were fighting badly he told me to get the hell out of the house ". Maya makes a stank face and says " why would that boy kick you out of the house , he's crazy about you ". Noelle looks at maya and blurts out " I cheated on him"!!! Maya looks at Noelle in shock and shouts " seriously Noelle why would you do that"?! Noelle screams " I messed up okay, I'm only human maya "!!! Maya looks down gripping her head and says " I know I'm not trying to judge you okay ". Noelle says " it was an honest mistake , a mistake that should of never happened , I regret it deeply ". Maya says " do I know this other guy "? Noelle says defensively " why does it matter on who the other guy is "? Maya says " dang I'm just asking ". There was an awkward silence . Noelle voice breaks shouting " your going to hate me so much ". Maya frowns and says " why on earth would you say that , Noelle your my sister I would never hate you ". Noelle says " never say never ". Maya yells " Noelle stop okay, just tell me who was the other guy"? Noelle hugs herself and says " it was Devon ". Maya stares blankly at Noelle feeling confused . Maya says breathlessly " Devon , Devon who "? Noelle looks at maya looking guilty as hell. Maya thinks for a moment and suddenly puts two and two together . Maya says in disbelief " you mean Devon my ex boyfriend "? Noelle sobs nodding her head yes . Maya steps back gripping her stomach feeling sick . Maya mumbles " oh my god ". Maya shouts louder " oh my god "!!! Noelle panics and blurts out " it was just one night , it's not what you think"!!!! Maya stares at Noelle out raged and takes her back hand and slaps Noelle across the face . Noelle looks down at her feet . Maya breathes heavily and says " how can you do that to me "? Noelle stays quiet . Maya shouts " I've been with that boy for almost six years and you knew how much he meant to me , i was planning on marrying that boy "!!!! Tears flow down Noelles face . Noelle says " let's talk about this later kay I'm just going to head home ". Noelle starts to walk away and maya shouts " heck no I'm not done talking "! Maya grabs Noelles arm viciously. Noelle shouts " oww let go your hurting me "!!!! Maya yells " and you have the audacity to say I'm a selfish person "? Noelle yells " it was an accident okay I never meant to sleep with Devon it just happened "!!!! Maya screams outraged " it just happened ? You didn't even think about how I would feel in all of this didn't you , you didn't stop to think that you would be stealing someone that meant the whole world to me "!!! Noelle yells " we both weren't thinking ok we were at mikes party and we were drunk , I was never into Devon like that "!!!! Maya says disgusted " so you were at a party and both y'all got drunk , oh how lovely ". Noelle says " please maya you have to know how sorry I am ". Maya says " don't you even dare apologize to me right now "! Noelles lips quiver with sadness . Maya says " I would love to find out how marks feel about this , you almost having a child with him but you were fooling around with Devon ". Noelle begins to sob loudly . Noelle says " mark wasn't the father ". Maya begins to say something and suddenly grows quiet . Maya says " so your saying Devon was the father "? Noelle slowly nods her head yes . She brings her hands to her mouth scared and sobs " I'm so sorry ". Maya steps back feeling more sick than ever . Maya mumbles " so you and Devon would of had a baby together "? Noelle cries " maya please don't be mad at me ". Maya holds her hand up and says " you know what Noelle when you first came into my family I always had a bad vibe about you, you would give me dirty looks, always try to be better than me , always trying to be on the next level , always tryna be in my shadow , since your father is with my mom I gave you the benefit of the doubt and accepted you as a sister , but a real sister would never do this , and because of this your officially dead to me ". Noelle looks at maya stunned . Noelle sobs " maya please you have to know I'm sorry ". Maya holds up her hand and says " our sister hood was a lie , I don't want to hear anything else come out of your whoreish mouth , just please leave , I don't want to see you ever again ". Noelle says " you know maya I would of eventually told you , I just didn't know how ". Maya shakes her head in disgust and says " really I should be crying now but with this it's making me even stronger and making me realize I don't need Devon and I don't need toxic people like you ". Maya throws her hands up feeling helpless and says " I really thought I knew you , and it shows me even family can stab you in the back , you betrayed me in the worse way possible and I'll never ever forgive you ". Maya walks away shaking her head disgusted and swings the bathroom door open and slams it shut . Noelle sobs hysterically. Maya walks over to the bar and she taps the counter and says " I like to have another tequila please ". The girls look at maya impressed . Quiana Dances in her seat and says " ohhh we getting Litty". Maya smiles pretending not to care . Maya holds up her glass and says " life may not be perfect , but I know who's really here for me , I appreciate y'all a lot for celebrating my birthday and this is definitely a new chapter for me to leave anything behind ". The girls grow rowdy tapping their glasses together .
       To be continued ...🍸

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