Description and Table of Contents

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Death is a very strong word. When you try to say it, the word could either make you feel guilty about how you live your life on earth with sadness and resentfulness, or the feeling of everlasting peace from the sufferings on earth. Death is just one of the harshest words that have ever existed and irreversible in action. Death is one word with two meanings and because of that, why does death even exist to the poor innocent souls on earth?"

The young teenager doesn’t understand the true meaning of the word death and suffering. He only understood death as the most resentful word to say and the most tragic and yet, mysterious stage in one's life. Each day, he will face each trial that was given to him by the Oracle. Each trial will help him realize what death and suffering truly is to the souls of the living and the dead and the true meaning of love that he will face as he will search for the answers that he yearns to hear in his heart.

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