4) I Was Born To Be a Tree

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Waiting for James in sun seemed like a good idea at first. That was until I realized that it was still summer and my skin was turning a nice shade of pink.

Plus trying to read in direct sunlight is a risk I didn't want to take. The amount of times I have been blinded by the pure whiteness is shocking.

Finding a cool shady spot is almost impossible as the school cut down most of the trees. Apparently, they are a hazard because trees are unpredictable and can randomly fall at unexpected times.

A light tap on my shoulder breaks my concentration as I read over the script.

"You alive?" James asks sitting next to me on the silver bench "From a distance, you looked like you were zoned out. I was hoping you were asleep so I could scare you off the seat"

I go to playfully nudge him but as he weighs as much as a ton of brick he doesn't move "I'm too much of a ninja for you to sneak up on me" This is met with a sceptical look." And can you blame me for looking half dead when all I have is this reading material? No offence to Shakespeare but he needs to put a bit more action into his writing if he wants to keep my attention. Good old Romeo and Juliet are talking in pretty much the entire time. Why not liven it up with another location like by the pool or the circus. Everybody loves the circus!"

His hand reaches over to my bag to pull out a plastic container filled with fudge. I swear he has a sixth sense when it comes to the sugary confectionary.

James takes three cubes and places them in his mouth hastily. All I hear for the next couple minutes is moans and sweet words that are being spoken to the fudge.

It's a serious addiction that I should probably stop contributing to.

"Thanks for agreeing to help with this audition. I have no idea what I'm doing. I really hope that I don't pass out when I get on stage. That would do much for my non-existent reputation."

"Don't worry about it, you'll be absolutely fine as long as you don't stare into any of the audience's eyes, that's when you realise that you're being watched and you can't slip up." the words I was hoping that was going to be encouragement only makes me more nervous.

The subject is quickly changed as my face turns a shade paler "Did you get the script that I sent?"

"Yeah, it makes a lot more sense when it's not in Shakespearean. I'm fairly sure he made up a lot of the words" my eyes go back to lines I need to be memorising.

"I've always wondered what public schools look like"

"It's just a normal school. They all pretty much do the same thing as they drain the life and happiness out of you. On a side note have our terrible mustard coloured walls scarred you for life yet?"

Apparently, he doesn't mind the horrendous colouring of our buildings but then again he isn't the one that has to look at it every day.

He looks out of place as he takes in the new surroundings. The blazer he is wearing sits on him perfectly and hugs his defined torso. The sunlight that burns most people bounces off his perfectly swept back hair slowly.

Curiosity is quickly replaced by confusion as his eyes catch the top of the office roof.

Tilting his head sideways he stares at the roof like there's an abstract art in front of him. "Is that a-"

"Don't ask if you don't want to know the answer." Looking down at my watch I realise the time. I pull him away and towards the auditorium.

"Now I'm going to give you a warning Miss Shelby can be a bit ecstatic at times. And flamboyant and hypo and eccentric."

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