Byte Me

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The papers were handed to me one fine May day after school had been released onto summer break. The sun nestles itself high in the neverending blue sky. The door-to-door lady smiles warmly at me before handing me a formidable packet. She bustles off in her pencil skirt and heels and starts annoying my neighbours before I can even make sense of the first page.

"You are invited to 'Camp Shady Brook' in the YMCA of the Rockies in Colorado!" it reads in bright letters. The name Camp Shady Brooks makes me recall all of the horror movies I had seen. I wipe the dews of sweat off of my forehead and head inside. Camp Shady Brook? Could that be anymore generic?

I slide into my extra-padded desk chair situated in front of my three HD monitors, two keyboards, and my Dell and Mac hybrid tower. On one screen, I pull up the Camp Shady Brook website and read the home page carefully. It seems to check out, but a small link in the bottom left corner catches my attention. Quickly, I click on the link and pull the new browser window onto the screen to my left.

Rows and rows of numbers take over the large screen. What on earth? Why would a hacker's code be on a camp's website?

I pull up a code runner on the monitor to my right and run the link through it. Back on the center screen, a new window opens.

"Hello and welcome to the OFFICIAL House of Hackers invitation letter."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2012 ⏰

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