Prologue : Were are we ?

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Dazzled by a glittering light, whose light passed easily through my lids, my eyes opened. The first thing I saw was a ceiling with a gold color and floral motifs of all kinds. With a swift gesture, I swept my eyes to find out where I was dreaming. A room, a place large enough, offering various furniture including many libraries, there seemed to be more rooms ... But I stopped for a moment at the sight of a person lying next to me.

She was a young girl, probably of my age, whose long, deep purple hair perfectly matched her body. I suddenly fell from the bed with a start.

"Mmmmhmmmm ... Not now ... I want .... Sleep again ..."

Luckily, she does not seem to have woken up. Seeing then my reflection in the white marble floor, I realized something ... What is this place? Who is this person? It was then that I tried to remember what I could have done the day before, without success. I could even hardly remember my name, Leevan.

As soon as I got up, I heard an "Ah?" I steep my head and was surprised by the face of the girl, half out of the bed, which seemed as much surprise as me, affirms the yell of surprise that we push simultaneously. Her fiery red eyes came out of her pale face. She threw me a cushion on the face before I could get any sound out of my mouth.

After regaining our senses, I got up and she got up from the bed. Smaller than me from a head, her smooth hair fell to the end of her back. She was dressed in a simple brown tunic, similar to the clothes of poor people. She swept her gaze on me.

"Who are you?" Now that I think about, I did not show up yet.

"My name is Leevan. Do you know where we are? Oh, before that, who are you? "

"I only remember my name, Diyana ... I have no idea where we are ..."

"Like me, you woke up here, without any memory and without any idea of ​​this place."

She nodded up and down, as if to say yes, and then she continued to watch me for no apparent reason. I mean, I have nothing supernatural enough? My hair is a simple brown and wavy, my eyes a deep black and my skin is between pale and dark.


It's been more than ten "ticking" that I go around in a room that is unknown to me, with a stranger who does not seem to want to wake up. To pass the time I read some books, they all spoke of chosen one couple and sacrifice of others for a wish ... But I do not understand anything, I am a fool! I stopped myself for a few seconds ... Fool, I have the impression that someone said I was, but I do not remember that person. While trying to search into the archives of my memory, big headaches came. I do not remember anything, I do not know where I am. I watched as the stranger lay in bed and threw a book at him, thinking it was the person who took me here. He got up instantly, but he seemed as lost as me, he watched the room and start to shake.

"Wh... Who are you? What do you want from me? LEAVE ME ALIVE!" He must have been my age. But who could kidnap two poor children? I noticed then that we had the same type of outfit, poor clothes.

"I do not want to hurt you! My name is Ylane. I woke up here too, in this unknown place ... "
"Oh ... S-Sorry! My name is Thilan ... I'm scared ..."

I feel like it's a real wuss, strange for a boy of his age! I stopped again. How do I know this?

"You ... Do you know who took us here?"

"I have no idea Thilan. We should try to leave here as soon as possible. Gets up and come! "

With these words, he hurried out of bed. His little tan skin was similar to mine, but he was barely smaller than me in size. While my scarlet red hair made up for her dark blond, our eyes were both a strange mixture of green and brown. He noticed the book I threw at him and took it. I asked him if he could read it and he answered positively. According to him, the book seems to be a fairy story. He opened it and summed up the first tale, where a girl, abused by her family, one day met a fairy. This fairy offered to sacrifice the person she loved to create a world for her. But this girl, no longer loved by anyone, killed herself. The fairy realized that she could not love herself and offered her a world, even if she died ...

"It's a dark story. " I said.

"Yes, but why would such tales and books be here? And suddenly ...

"It's time, elected couples. Be in the main lobby in an hour. "

A voice came out of nowhere made us jump. For fear, Thilan huddled against me. He was shaking. I need to know where this path comes from, and what is the story of elected couples ... If someone makes a joke, it's only too long! I took Thilan by the hand and we walked towards the main door.


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