chapter 10

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The noises coming from the dining hall would have been described by humans as 'barbaric'. The various Monsters chowed down on their first meals at the new Hotel. The gang were telling the tale of last night's events to Wanda and Eunice. They described the strange human that had attacked them and how Dracula had heroically put himself in front of Mavis.

"As soon as he spotted her, I'm telling you, I've never seen him move so fast! And that's saying something!" Frank told them as he scoffed down his breakfast.

"I've never seen a human like that before. It was like he was waiting for us or something. He wasn't scared, in fact, he kind of freaked me out." Wayne described the hunter.

"And when we nearly hit him, he rolled out of the way in a flash. It's like he vanished!" Griffin added.

"And that's coming from the expert." Murray joked.

Their conversation was interrupted when Dracula entered the hall, his face looking paler than usual.

"Everything all right, buddy?" They greeted him.

"No... I need you all to follow me."

They sat in silence for a few seconds before getting up. Murray poured the rest of his food into his mouth before they all left for the lobby.

"What's happened now? Did the pool catch fire?" Murray broke the silence.

"Shh!" Frank shut him up.

Two suits of armour standing by the entrance saluted in unison as they're boss approached.

"Have the staff double check that every guest who booked in managed to arrive safely tonight." He commanded.

They were off to do their duty. Dracula took out the envelope from under his cape. Mavis continued to look up at her Father; it was as if she could sense his emotions. His voice cracked as he let the group in on what he had just read.

"I've just received this letter. I... think that Human we saw has been hunting Monsters in the area for a while now."

They couldn't believe it.

"Nah, Drac. That's not possible. How could a lone human be fighting Monsters? He'd get ripped a new one before he could even say 'ouch'." Frank thought he must have been mistaken.

"There's something different about him Frank... A Witch has been keeping low in that town for many years. I haven't heard from her for decades. The letter's from her. It's not signed but I recognise the hand writing."

The group crowded round.

"What's it say?" Murray asked impatiently.

"Eunice, could you take Mavis back to her room, please?" he didn't want his daughter hearing the letter's contents.

"I'll come with you." Wanda volunteered.

Once they were out of sight, he unwrinkled the letter and began to read.

Dear Count

I would not usually risk sending a message to another of our kind in fear of it falling into the hands of Humans, but I fear now there is no other way. I have seen a blurred vision of the future. I fear that you and everyone in your Hotel are in grave danger. The pain that has weighed down on your heart all these years have now found its way into mine. A human has taken everything away from me, and he is planning the same thing for all of our kind.

Hotel Transylvania: Before The BeginingWhere stories live. Discover now