A Bite Of The Beggining

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January 16th, 1998

Newark, California

Dear Diary,

I am different

Sure, I'm a blonde haired blue eyed middle school girl

But I have some things that other kids don't know

That they can't know

I now realize that my life isn't normal. I'll never be like those other girls

I'm special

And I'm trying to be as modest as possible

but that's difficult when you're the chosen one

(sorry in advance)


I didn't know a month ago

I was confused

I was scared

I was sad

It was a lot of emotions when dad told me we were moving to California from Vermont

All because of Mom

She was only 36

She was a volunteer firefighter

Then there was a pretty big fire

Bigger than normal

Anyways, when dad bought the donut shop, I was scared

"We won't get business," I said "We'll be broke"

But now I know money doesn't make you rich

Opportunity does

And this is the story of when opportunity struck me the hardest

Dear Diary,

It's the next day

Sorry about that

Had to go and save the world

Standard for me

Man I'm exhausted

Taking out demons and mythics that are cast to life by a stupid newbie 

(Like myself)

Is harder than it looks



Where was I

Oh yes

The day we opened we were to be called

"A Bite Of Magic"


I believe it was after a week of business

There was an old woman in what seemed to be a cloak


Her phone

(Or so we thought)

Was glowing in her pocket

I remember her coming up to the counter and dropping a blue coin into the tip jar


Then as she left, as she got out, she looked down at herself in shock

It was as if she was staring at a dead body

Now I know she forgot to hide her appearance

She then twirled and turned into a young woman in workout clothes

I pinched myself



At the end of the day, I collect tips

I had batter all over my apron

I count 58 cents


But I look more at the coin

It's glowing

It's mystifying

I'm mesmerized

It says on it

"Cras commodo parco relicta tertia viginti tres"

Luckily I'm taking Latin in school

I go to my textbook


It translates to

"23 3rd park to left tomorrow mandatory"

After a lot of concentration

I decided it meant

"at 23:00 o'clock (11 pm) the 3rd park in our time (we have 4) towards the left of the park meeting tomorrow, coming is mandatory"

So crazy me decided

Why not

So I would go tomorrow

Thank you for reading "A Bite Of Magic." which is my second wattpad story. I know I know, you love it (Jk) but it's fun to write, so I'm going to keep writing it. 1 chapter at a time (500 words) right now, it's just started. Like it and I will make sure to write more soon, expect it to be done by May 2018. (6 chapters) Thanks again! -Shane

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