Your fake smile

62 10 8

18th July'15

I never knew you were so good.
At pretending to be the one , whose heartwarming smiles lightened up my day.

Those bright smiles were anything but genuine .
And the mask nothing but fake.

You didn't really do any harm.
But turned out to be just another alarm....

To the reality.

Plunging me out of the fairytales and the happily ever afters I'd started believing in because of you.

I loved you then and I love you still,
but I don't want you back....
Because that's too much pain for me to take.

I'm not mistaken, we did say Goodnight every single time.
Only if I knew it actually meant Goodbye to you .

Our endless talks cut short to utter silence.

No I never ran out of things I wanted to tell you ,
It just seemed you ran out of the mood to listen.

I don't know what went wrong,
But again it didn't seem alright too.

Tired of my fake smiles,
Is hurt really that simple to hide?

And now finally the realisation dawned on me ,

You were too blind to see that I was too tired to tell.

People change , then why can't memories do.
Because everything that was once beautiful now feels ruined because of You.


Thanks for reading this !

I update this book once in a blue moon , because when I do I put my heart in it !
Though the response for the story is not what I expected , I expect too much. But I'm not demoralised ..... You know why ?
Because I need to give things some time till they show the best of themselves ! And even if this book doesn't get much readers I will continue this book because when i write it , it makes me feel great . Not like happy great , but like intense great !!

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