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Telaire, Aurem:

"She danced alone in the twilight. Dawn, her eternal warden, hundreds of miles away. Her bare feet spun her in wild circles. Leaping, bounding, lifting her body to the beat of a silent drum. The creatures of the night had returned once again, for not a soul could resist the curious pull. To simply watch the way she swayed and bowed. The carefree, almost wistful curve of her dark lips. The way her curls bounced as playfully as her heart.

She danced alone.

No need for a partner. The open field she performed in would become crowded if another were to join. Every step planted seeds of wonder. Every wave of her arms sent the breeze to join in the chorus. How the flowers cheered her on, releasing their fragrance upon the artist. And still the creatures looked on from their hiding places. For her spirit was so free, so defiantly independent, even the timid fawns held their breath." The queen read quietly.

"Mamma, but why? How could fawns scare anyone?"

"They aren't scary, but you see, when you have experienced true freedom, you'll never want to risk it being taken away by anything or anyone."

"How would a fawn steal her freedom?" The child continued to question, desperately trying to make sense of the tangled information.

"Well, what do you think? How could a fawn steal her freedom?" The boy wrinkled his nose to a side, with his pink lips pursed in concentration. The eyebrows scrunched together as his eyes blindly searched for the answer.

"I don't know..." He sighed in defeat. The woman smiled at the charming young prince. His golden locks framed his innocent features, his rosy cheeks puffed out in perplexity.

"Why don't you sleep on it? When your spirit drifts tonight, it may just find the answer." She hinted at his bed time being past due. "Let me know in the morning, should you come across an idea." The woman kissed his forehead before rolling out of the bed. She tucked in her young royal, tenderly brushing his hair out of his face. The boy was her most precious treasure, and she never shied away from letting it be known to the world.

"I'll find it, Mamma. I'll find the reason!" Her son's yawn laced with determination.

"Sleep well, my angel."

4 years later

Ruet, Aurem:

"Get back here you filthy, wicked little wench!" The shopkeeper snarled as he chased the girl through the moonlit alley. Tonight! Tonight for sure, he'd see justice! "I'll have your hands for this!" The girl, young as she was, was blessed with speed, wit, and will. Her body had long ago memorized the sharp turns, the stacks of crates, the very geography of the city. It's blueprints had been viciously carved into every joint and fiber.

'Do what you must to survive.'

It wasn't much of an encouraging message, but it was a lesson that had successfully kept her on her feet so far. Her black locks whipped past her and her feet picked up speed going down hill. Almost! Almost! Her golden eyes grew wider in excitement as the city lights dimmed behind her. The man from the shop cursed her soul as he skidded to a halt at the tree line. He wouldn't dare enter. Not a single thing he sold was worth his life. The forests that bordered the city of Ruet were filled with bandits, witches, and creatures that were best left alone. And yet that savage realm had been the only peaceful shelter the Raven had ever had.

A bounty. A bounty must be placed on her head! The man thought to himself as he sauntered his way back across town. It had been months ago when that Raven had first stolen from his shop. He should put out a reward for anyone who could help him. If she could get away with snatching, others may begin to try as well. Maybe she had spread word through the forest and other bandits were planning a raid? He would lose his whole shop! No! No! That'd wouldn't happen! He'd make sure of it!

Forests of Ruet:

"Serena, where have you been?" A young male wrapped his arms around the 9 year-old girl, a shy panic in his body.

"I've brought you a feast!" Serena declared proudly, her pulse still feeding off of the adrenaline rush from earlier. She wasn't proud of stealing. In fact, if she could remember properly, someone had once told her it was wrong. You were punished for it. But the growling of an empty stomach had long ago drowned out such a warning.

"Food!" Mathew squealed joyously before covering his mouth, his own bright eyes round as the moon. He shrank back and waited, a habitual behavior. His ears strained to hear for someone or something to approach, "I'm sorry!" He whispered, his eyes glassy within moments.

"Shhh, it's ok." Serena hugged him, but her own ears were on high alert. As safe as she had felt here in the wilderness, not even she could shake the patterns she had learned. The city was full of nasty, cruel people. The forest itself was no paradise, but by some miracle, the children had found a safe haven in an abandoned cave. For the time being, they could breathe. "I have a surprise for you!" The curly haired girl remembered excitedly, "Close your eyes!" The 5 year-old obeyed with the widest grin, it nearly cracked his face. She dropped a little wooden cart into his tiny palms.

"A toy?!" Mathew tried to contain the shriek of delight, his little tanned body shook instead.

"You have to eat up first, before the bread gets hard." Serena unfolded her sack of goods. Mostly food that wouldn't spoil for a while, soap, and other necessities she had learned were important for their survival and independence. They ate their fill and stashed the rest for later. Serena taught Mathew how to ration himself, only eating what he must, and saving as much as possible for another day. The less Serena had to travel to the city, the better. But they also left a portion untouched. This was to be given to Malcom, well-known scoundrel who left the kids alone, so long as they had something to offer. Their freedom was not free, not yet at least.

Mathew bathed himself in the little stream that ran alongside the cave; it was the season of the hot sun, so he relished the cool waters. Serena assembled their beds, which were made of burlap sacks stuffed with straw, cotton, and any other material she could get her hands on. As the girl tucked the boy and herself in, her thoughts ran rampage and her nerves tightened remembering that payment was due in the morning. Malcom was a rough man, with a dirty reputation that few didn't fear. But still somehow, his demands seemed fair. At least when they involved the children. As her spirit finally drifted off, leaving the sun-kissed skin behind, her consciousness detected a soft beat, a melodic rhythm in the air. Maybe the heartbeat of the sleeping boy? Maybe her own heartbeat? Maybe something more...?

2 years later

Telaire, Aurem:

"Up! Up with you! Have you no sense in what time of day it is? You are late for your lessons, your morning chores are left undone, and your presence will be needed again in no less than an hour!" Charlotte fussed as she opened the curtains, sunshine burst through the tall windows. The blinding light only made Jonas sink deeper into his covers, mumbling something about a dancing girl. "Prince Jonas!" Charlotte huffed again, the old maid was more than just that. She had been the one to deliver him at birth and had practically become his grandmother.

"But Charlotte, she didn't seem happy." The prince mumbled.

"Your Father, won't be happy if you show up late to his calling!" She countered, leaving to the washroom to set up his bath. Jonas sighed as he slipped out of his luscious bed. Yesterday's lessons had taken a toll on his unprepared body, but seeing as he was the ripe age off 11, his training had begun and it was here to stay until he had rightfully earned the title of a Knighted Prince.

Hey everybody! Welcome to this new adventure! Hope you enjoy it, interact [promise I won't bite ;)], and buckle up!

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