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Oh, you know when you're going to have fun the next day. Well, that was me since somehow when I meant my childhood friend that said join the villain alliance for a day he said that he would give me the most fun I have and I believed on his word. I was getting prepared for this wonderful event even if I stayed a bit awake in the night the surprises was getting me. I was in no high school since I finished a bit early than usual and since my Bro Dark knows how to teach I learned the best from him and but what I didnt like was that he was older than me by two years and Angel she was older than me by one year as well. I hate it im the small one and Angel is the midget. So when preparing I went to get my costume that I asked from Dark who loves to make somehow like a hobby.

I then let my rinkakus turn to my tail and I heard this morning that my Brother and Sister were going to do something

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I then let my rinkakus turn to my tail and I heard this morning that my Brother and Sister were going to do something. So I just said bye and good day to both of them and somehow my Older brother left me my kiddie meal. Wait if you ask why I dont mind this kiddie meal well its because it has a special something waiting for me in the bottom of my sandwich, salad and water bottle plus my white rice and teriyaki. But in the bottom of all that was the treasure that many adventures wish to seek on and that is a (c/f) cookie.

I was walking in a bar where  Shigaraki and somehow his hollow ghost purple mist were waiting for me. "Are you ready dear friend?" I just nod my head walk by his side and somehow I was almost as tall as he but a few inches shorter. His friend opens the portal and he lets the other villains go first before us. After a while we head out and somehow he had this giant monster named Nomu who I really enjoyed his company very much and somehow he also liked my company as well and he carried me into the portal before letting me go and fight All Might. Somehow nothing was going on so I waited a few minutes and saw Izuku, Kacchan, and somebody with half red hair and half white hair. I just smiled under my mask and laughed and that caught my dear Izuku attention "Oh Zuzu you still playing with Kacchan and not with me" that surprised both of them. And then stared at me before Katsuki went and attacked me "DIE YOU FUCKER" he came with his explosive punch but my I just said wildfire and a huge wall of fire was formed around me. The half half then used ice and covered my fire with ice and I somehow got pissed so I did the next big thing that was warping a gate and using my rinkaku and smashing along with his other friends. Both then started to try to punch me and hit or even ice me but to no avail and I somehow just laughed and put my hands on the floor and then said "DECAY" and everything crumbled and made them fall down. But somehow Katsuki said "Fuck you world" and came out of the pile of rubble like if it was nothing. And I just said "why not have fun" and I did something that nobody expected and that was getting out my raven and my lizard pet that I named Hawkeyes and Dargo. I pet Dragos little head and nod at him and he leaps off my shoulder and jumps to the flying Katsuki who was somehow was trying to punch me again. And he then sprays his poison gas and that makes Katsuki fall to the ground and pass out. And I then skipped my way to the fight that Nomu was having.

Izuku ran to save All Mights life and I went and smashed Katsuki with his other friends. When I saw Nomu get hurt and the plan failing I was going to leave but a great smack by the so-called hero shot my leg and I couldn't move. And I laid on the floor with a bleeding foot. A nurse was going to come to my side but one show of my rinkakus scared her away but what I didnt expect was my Brother to come out of nowhere and come out the ground like a groundhog and my sister as well. They jumped out of the ground and threw explosives into the air. The heroes were dodging the explosives and I could see All Might and Izuku seeing me but I just smiled underneath my mask and smashed my hands to the ground and screamed "DECAY" and the ground crumbled underneath my feet. Making a perfect escape plan for me and my siblings. Angel just smiled and grabbed onto me before pulling me up to the air where to escape the smoke bomb and somehow the teacher with aim tried to shoot us again but was stopped by Angels arrow shots making her smile even wider. My sister had bow and arrows and had a white t-shirt that had a bit of dirt since she was underground and had some blue sweatpants and black and white ugg boots while having a lab coat plus a mask covering her upper face. 

My sister then held me in her arms since my leg was hurt

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My sister then held me in her arms since my leg was hurt. While we were in the air we failed to notice that my older brother had something in plan. He somehow was hacking while the smoke bomb was still on and I and Angel went back to the ground and we were looking for him. The heroes were getting closer and closer and until the smoke screen was up we were surrounded and then I see brother right next to us. "Hey Reaper the heroes are here " that made many of the heroes gasp in surprise and I saw the smile on Angels face. "Done we better get going Demon" said my older brother while speaking with his face mask on and I know he didnt wants to let the heroes know his real identity since he will put his mask down when he speaks. Today somehow he wished to wear this

 Today somehow he wished to wear this

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to the fight with his teddy face

to the fight with his teddy face

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 mask that he had.Plus bringing his Katana that was on the back and then I could feel him smile and then a portal appears behind us and Angel carries me through the portal.Dargo and Hawkeyes came back to my side when I was being carried away. While Dark stays behind and somehow before I left I say "wildfire" and a circle of fire surrounded us and the Heroes were trying to put it away but to no avail since I and my siblings went past it and went to our home.

Hero free


May be shitty and sorry for not updating but i was updating my one piece stories that were about to finish so sorry and maybe I would go on hold since I'm getting tested and maybe getting a job so updates would not come so often but will try and let me read the manga and a new chapter would be released, so just wait.

And I edited the story since the ending was shit so let's make more of this young (M/n) being more villain.




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