Time travel...again

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This means French because I can't be bothered to translate it ok? Cool

We land with a thump just out side the gates of hog warts and are shortly found by Tom "hello, what would 3 lovely... bleeding?" He stops and rushes over to help us "don't touch us" we growl at him causing him to back up quickly "do you understand French?" Luna asks "no" "good" " this isn't working we need to go back in time a tiny bit further wait were is the time turner" Ginny says "in my back pocket " I tell them and then I collapse to the ground when I attempt to stand Tom catches me and Ginny and Luna growl so he puts me back on the ground and backs up "ok,ok are you guys like sisters or something? You are way overprotective of each other, anyway love to chat but can't "à bientôt" he says oh my god he understands French oh no. He puts the time turner around our necks and spins it "see you in another time ladies" "why you-" Ginny starts before we go spinning again.

Turning time (marauders era)Where stories live. Discover now