Thoughts To Ponder

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If nothing will come then write "Nothing will come. " down, because nothing is enough.
Is this part of the answers we seek? No matter whether it seems useless or not, if you have the affinity to write then it may well be a part of the assistance and guidance you seek, so if ever you get stuck, know that there are always words to write even if you don't know what they are.

He has madness in his soul, he carries it like a weapon wherein is his pride and devotion to himself and in turn to the madness that he has been blessed with.

This is a mantra I wrote to recite for the girl with the stars in her eyes and myself when we feel the nothingness encroaching, I hope you find it useful.

I am strong
It is ok to cry
It is not a sign of weakness
But of strength
I will get through this
I am strong enough
I will not bow
I will carry myself
And stand up tall
I will wear my scars
Like medals of honour
For I am a warrior
I am a fighter
And I will not lose
I will never give up

He left chaos in his wake wherever he went, an ordered chaos that preceded a great rebirth.

There is always another way but the day he did what he did was the day he threw away the other way, the better way.

The greatest problem all humans face, is not to learn, but to unlearn and the uncertainty thereof.

He was tired and wanted to go, he wished only to finally find a peaceful rest, but the Guardian and the Goddess refused to let him go for his tale was yet to end, yet he wished to have no part of it.

Something I've learned, things come and things go, sometimes it's the good sometimes it's the bad, all we can do is learn to follow the eternal ebb and flow, as difficult as it may be, anything else is the road to an unfulfilled life.

Every time you try to do something right, seem to get it oh so wrong. It's almost like a joke, no one's laughing now. - powercore - Nekrogoblikon

Life is like a river. You can't see too far ahead. I can't see at all as I might have mentioned. You don't know where the river of life will bend and turn, you don't know where it will go at all. Don't try to control where the river goes. There's one thing you can know and control, yourself. Look at yourself, who are you rayla? What do you stand for? Once you know that, then wherever the river takes you, you'll be right where you were always meant to be. Cpt. Villas - the dragon prince

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