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how zarkon's armor was made

how zarkon's armor was made

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i'm sorry i've got nothing to post but honestly i'm trying to stay off twitter and hide away from voltron stuff, i kinda want to go into season 5 expecting nothing, just to let the story take me to where it wants me to go

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i'm sorry i've got nothing to post but honestly i'm trying to stay off twitter and hide away from voltron stuff,
i kinda want to go into season 5 expecting nothing, just to let the story take me to where it wants me to go.

i feel when season four was announced i watched every theory video, watched every trailer so many times, looked at theory posts. i feel like i planned on the season going one way and when it didn't then i got upset and said the season was awful. 

i rewatched the season to stay caught up, and it's actually detailed. It may not have a ton of character development but there was additional information about the rebels. And that has finally been addressed ever since being mentioned in season 1. I feel like that should kinda be acknowledged.

we got matt, we got Kieth getting closer to who his family is, we got Shiro back in black, Allura learning more of her power, Lance becoming more prominent in his doubts and abilities, Pidge finding her brother, and even a reuinion between characters from season one. not to mention more information about he generals themselves and Zarkon being alive.

it was pretty action packed really. Just was disappointing to the audience because it wasn't what we wanted, because it wasn't what we theorized and what we let our heads wander to.

my advice is to keep an open mind going into this. Stay away from some
media, don't raise any expectations.

good luck!

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