1: Silent Beside Me.

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      We sat there, awaiting what was coming for us. What would happen? Would we be forced to separate? Would we be allowed to stay together? Would we never be allowed to see each other again?
     He must've noticed me tearing up, and me shaking. He grasped my hand tighter than ever, and pulled me closer to his chest. This was all done silently. He sat silently next to me and I could hear his heart pounding. He was nervous too.
  "Em, it'll be okay. Just keep your chin up. I hate seeing you so torn..." He said quietly, not only wanting to comfort me, but himself as well. trusted him, but I was scared out of my wits about what would possibly happen to us when my parents split up, and if my mom would take custody. I don't want that to happen. Hopefully it doesn't. I don't think she will, but we need to consider what could possibly happen if it did. Because if it did-we'd be split apart, and never see each other again if my mother gets custody of me, and not my father.
So, how is it so far? I know it's short, but it's only the first one. There will be more and they will gradually get longer. I don't have a name for the boy yet, so if you have any suggestions, let me know!

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