Introduction to John Doe

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John Doe:
Look just tell me your name
at least. Privacy reasons- I
actually need it

Alright ig Kim Misa

John Doe:
Thank gOd you finally told
me, took you long enough.

Alright I told you, what's your
name then?

John Doe:
Wang Junsoo

John Doe:
It's a pleasure to meet you.


The sound of your phone being turned off was the only thing you heard in your deafening silent room, it seemed to fill the empty walls of your seemingly isolating and confined room. Living a life like this, amazing. People watching your every move, knowing almost everything about you, it couldn't get any better especially when you're doing it all alone. Being an adult sucks, the pressures of bills, food, time management, work, sleep, and even the smallest things like self care. Simply washing your face felt like it took too much time. Less sleep equals more time but less energy. More sleep equals more energy but less time. Which would be more easier or beneficial to be sacrificed?

Clueless. Absolutely lost in the abundance of life's obstacles.

Being independent was tough and everything you do never seemed like it was enough. Once the consequences good or bad appear another thing appears in golden shoes with a bloody smile. You have to face the obstacle with optimism or else every bad thing you could ever think. Comes true.

John Doe:

s e n t 3:21 pm

John Doe:
Ayo why you ignoring me :(

I wasn't ignoring you

John Doe:
Then what were you doing

It was bec-
You know what you don't needa
know that you're

John Doe:
Well excuse me dAmn

I didn't respond to you in
two minutes and then you say hey and
then say I'm ignoring you.
OkAyy buddy

John Doe:
Wow I've been attacked

I'm speaking facts son
Take it or leave it man

John Doe:
Meanie ;(

I'm not mean I'm blunt ;(

John Doe:

John Doe
Do you know who
that famous bts group is?

The what?
no I don't

John Doe:

Why? Go ahead and
rant on about fanboying
I'll listen I guess.

John Doe:
It's nothing like that wtF

If you say so

John Doe:
iF yOu sAY sO

John Doe:

Why'd you ask that anyways?

John Doe:
Just wondering ig

Oh wow ok

John Doe:
Well I'm gonna goo

Yeah me too. Ttyl?

John Doe:
For sure

s e e n 3:34 pm


You felt like a small speck in the world that everyone noticed but didn't really care for.

'Alone. You're all alone and no one is ever gonna love you. Why'd you even choose this occupation? Thinking that your life would get better when you knew it make it worse.? Your nothing.'

Shut up shut up

'Im not surprised they left you. Hahaha, I would too if I were them Y/n. You can't do anything right, you're clumsy and make too many mistakes. Why even try when you're doing it all wrong. Go look at those comments again, they'll remind you of who you really are.'

The comments! No, no it'll only make it worse I can't.

You glance at your blacked out screen of your phone, tapping the medium length acrylic nail on the screen lightly. Your teeth tear at your lip, contemplating on looking at all those comments that are left for you.

'What a beautiful world...'

You then lift your hand from your phone, leaning your head back and looking at the blank white ceiling pondering on how easy it is to tell a lie, white lies even easier. You felt pressure of guilt weigh your chest down the feeling of suffocating filled you up. It's already been done, nothing could be changed.


You know who Bts is, but that's none of their business. Who doesn't know about the worldwide superstars taking over the world. You're not a big fan though, just mutuals who never got to know each other. Just seven men who seem to come off to their fan base as crackheads. The funny thing, you thought was how easy it is to manipulate people into thinking that they know you; as for fanbases and supporters. If they know just some stuff about you they assume you're their friend and then get mad when you don't open up and tell them what they want to hear, how does that benefit someone? Knowing everything about to be exact... Why would anyone ever..?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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