Letter from Monkee66

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Dear John,
Good morning. Or afternoon? Or night? How are you? I have some more random questions for you.
Can I give you a nickname?
What is your favourite Bob Dylan song? I like 'Girl from the North Country.'
If coffee was illegal, what would its street name be?
If someone painted a portrait of you, how would it look (clothes, background, pose, etc.) and what else would be in the painting with you?
If you were a DJ, what would your DJ name be?
What is the most unprofessional thing you've seen someone do?
You are about to get in a fight, what song comes on as your soundtrack?

Thanks for answering them.

Lisa AKA Monkee66.

Dear Monkee66 ,

Good morning/afternoon/night to you too! I'm doing as great as a cornflake in a cereal bowl.

1. Sure, you can give me a nickname. As long as it isn't stupid like "Kitty Cat Johnny" or something.

2. My favorite Dylan song is "Subterranean Homesick Blues." I'm in that song! "Johnny's in the basement, mixing up the medicine. I'm on the pavement thinking 'bout the government . . . " Great song, man.

3. I think its street name would be "beans." Like this: "Hey, man, here's the money for those beans. *wink wink*"

4. I would be wearing a my swimming suit, standing on top of a plastic rock, pointing my wooden sword toward the sky, and my cat Jesus would be off to the side meowing. Someone with art talent should really paint this, and make my dreams come true.

5. My DJ name would be Johnny B. Goode. Can't you see it?

6. The most unprofessional thing I've ever seen someone do was when I was at Olive Garden. Yoko and I were going to order spaghetti so we can mimic that scene in Lady and the Tramp. You know the one. Anyway, the person at the table across from us was on the heavy side, and waitress was laughing at her when she was ordering a lot of food. I thought this was rude and inconsiderate. I knew how the woman must have felt, because I had been there myself, so I stood up and said to the waitress, "Stop being so rude. Instant karma will get you, lady." I then paid for the woman's food.

6. If I was going to fight someone, I'd want to do it to "Eye of the Tiger." I can picture myself as Rocky when I'm actually a loser getting beat to a pulp.

Your random questions never fail to make me laugh.

Your random questions never fail to make me laugh

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