Fairy Tail Magazine Job Descriptions

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Hey Guys!

My name is Charlie-Dylan cx I'm the new owner/manger of fairy tail magazine. For a while when it first started I helped the original owner out with making the magazines. But since she left,I'll be running this account now c:

I get that there's plenty of other magazines but,I wanted to make an account that was solely based on fairy tail. Fairy Tail is one of my favorite anime and I thought it would be interesting to make one ^_^

Onto the jobs ^~^

Every Job will be put into its own seperate 'chapter',in the order you see down below

.Each Job will have 2 people working for each job,with the exception of the back ups.

You can apply for 2 jobs if you wish. If you're unable to do your job,pm me AND the other person who has the same job as you. For your partner you can either make two separate articles or have your partner do an article for one issue,you doing the next,and so on.

((Make sure you pm me ahead of time if you're unable to do it))

Anyone and Everyone is welcomed to work here (:

(If you have any comments/questions/concerns,Pm me,go to the MB&comnent on there or email me at levyeucliffe@yahoo.com or comment below)

Best way to contact me : through Pm

Thankyou for making the cover @RandomAnimeFreak ^w^




Postitions~ ^w^

Creative Designer

Cover Designer


Advice Columnist

One-Shot Collector

Undiscovered Gems

Finally Fessing Up

Rapid Rants

Words of Wisdom



Cosplay Ideas

Fangirl/Fanboy Mania

Story Reccomendaitons/Rates

Debate Monitor

Back Ups


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