Advice Columnist

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Ciao! The fourth job is....bum.dum.bum.dum..... Advice Columnist!

Well,Just by the name you should know what the person dose,but I'll explain.

Its basically,Where you give out advice,feedback, should advertise,saying your avaliable to give out advice,make sure you ask them if they want to be annoynmous.For those of you that are reading this,want to ask for advice,make sure you PM one of the Columnist,and make sure you say if you want to remain annnoynmous.If some type of promblem occurs,like if you asked to be annoynmous,but your name shows,then please tell me,I will change it ASAP.

Dose not have to be related to Fairy Tail

Any comments,questions,concerns contact me through email at,PM me,through MB,or comment below



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