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I was born into this world. The first thing I saw was my dad, he was so beautiful. I hoped one day I would grow up just like him. The humans always would look at me funny. What was wrong? Aren't I beautiful?

Soon we were taken from our dad. I was so sad to see him go, he was the best father I could have hoped so. The others picked on me, called me different, a freak, ugly. Why wasn't I beautiful?

Soon they showed us our selves. That's when I saw it, I didn't have two beautiful large fins like my dad. One was so small, were they right? Was I truly ugly?

The day came for us to be "shipped out"  I was excited, I over heard the humans saying I was a special order. I knew special meant important. I was wanted!

The ride was long and exhausting but finally my box was opened and I saw the light of the store. I couldn't believe my eyes! So many other bettas! Different colors, tail shapes and genders! Soon this kind looking lady came in. I saw her from behind the counter. The people said it was to make sure no one else bought me.

The people held me out to the women and I happily looked to her. Only for my heart to sink when she looked at me with disgust. "He isn't a dumbo! He only has one big fin!" She yelled to the employees. The lady left without me, ordering a new "dumbo." The employees looked at me with sadness and put me on the shelf with the rest of them. I guess I wasn't beautiful after all....

I would swim around as this younger girl enter would enter. Why would I bother? I turned away only to see a hand wrap around my cup. I would turn around expecting the usual faces of disgust. I would look to her in confusion. Her eyes shown confusion as she looked from me to around the store. The words that left her mouth changed my life forever. " What is such a pretty boy like you doing here?" With that she never put me down as she went and picked out decorations for me. I was going to have a home.

She took me to the checkout and asked the employees why I was in a place like this. The employees told her and the look on her face spoke it all. "Why? Who wouldn't want him he is such a beautiful boy!" She explained to them that she has quite a few bettas and how I was going to have a forever home where I would be spoiled to the core. She also said she breeds a little? Does that mean I truly am special? She spoke to m the whole way to my new house. Saying how she will have to go buy a tank for me because she wanted me to have a good large home. She walked us in to be treated by large furry beasts. They were scary. She then brought me into her room and I could help turning in excitement she had others! The majority of them all looked like me! They were all different. She greeted them all, told them how much she loved them. She set me down and told me she would be back with a tank. With that she left and I sat there watching the others.

She made the most beautiful tank for me, I had five gallons to myself she told me. The other five were for just in case someone else needed a spot. I explored it with joy. It was so warm and had so many places for me to lie and hide! I swam back to her with excitement. She would chuckle smiling. " You are such a pretty goofy boy,
I don't think any other name will fit you." She poke and I would look confused. A name? I get my very own name! "Nemo will fit you well my pretty boy." She would smile. Giving me some pellets before shutting off my lights. Her climbing into bed

My name is now Nemo. And as long as she thinks I'm beautiful and special I guess that's all that matters.

NemoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ