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Ever wondered what rank in warriors you'd be?
Look below and you'll see!

♈ Aries ⭐  You're a well known fallen warrior,
Apart of StarClan, Often meeting with Cancer
Who has been a great friend of yours.

♉ Taurus ⭐ Unlike many warriors, you don't believe in the starry cats
So you go your own way
Training with cats much scarier than bats.

♊ Gemini ⭐ You're a brave second in command,
Always thinking of the best ways to help your clan.

♋ Cancer ⭐ With a caring heart like yours,
You'd certainly make sure you clan of yours,
Is healthy and strong,
Healing warriors and with skills like yours
what could go wrong.

♌ Leo ⭐ You're a confident and brave cat
Who listens to no one
You're a rouge that
Always find some new tricks to learn.

♍ Virgo ⭐ An ambitious young cat
That's eager to learn
Looking up to a warrior named Runningrat.

♎ Libra ⭐ You're one with a heart of queen,
Only if your young are threatened then you are one of the most mean.

♏ Scorpio ⭐ Due to your fearless nature
And call demeanor  
Everyone knew you come off on top.

♐ Sagittarius ⭐ You're kit
Always having to be baby sit
But that never stopped you
You always found a way to discover something new.

♑ Capricorn ⭐ You're - like Leo - follows your own heart
And no one else
With that being said you were a loner from the start.
♒ Aquarius ⭐ You were born to be a warrior

That's for sure
You're one of the best hunters in your clan
And you're great when it comes at forming a plan.

♓ Pisces ⭐ The warrior's life just isn't for you
But you have a clan that is true
For a clan means family
You will live a long life with twolegs and another cat named "Flea".

Did you enjoy the role you got?
What are your thoughts?

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