Chapter 8

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Bayley's POV

Once I had finished changing the tire, I had asked Joe to order new brakes and a new radio, because without the parts I can't do much else, what did they think I was, a miracle worker?

The brakes will last a small bit longer, so they are free to drive it home whenever they get back.

I rubbed my hands together, and skipped over to ole Bessie, it was an old, bright orange mustang with the American flag on the hood of the car. A older gentleman left it with use two weeks ago and I have been working on it since then.

Now I'm not a fan of modifying old cars, but when they are brought to the mechanics by a tow truck, with black smoke billowing out of the hood, you don't really have a choice.

Before I crawled under the Bessie, I called Mickey and told him that the tires were changed but they will have to come back next week to get the brakes and radio fixed, since we didn't have the parts.

Time started to fly by again, as I worked on ole Bessie, while jamming out to the Maine, slightly obsessed with their forever Halloween album, but we won't get into that.

Boys POV

Mickey hung up the phone and sighed with relief, as much as he 'enjoyed' running errands, he enjoyed doing it on his own. No wonder B wanted these guys out of her hair.

"B said she only got the tires changed but she's ordered the parts and if you bring it back sometime next week, she will finish the job" Mickey smiled "So we can head back now"

"But we still have errands to run" Chase whined, "I thought we were having so much fun"

"Yeah Mickey, didn't you feel like you were having fun" Nick asked, in a slightly sinister but mostly annoying way.

"Oh totally! Yeah, so much fun, but I'm sure I'm needed back now with the supplies, nothing against you guys!" Mickey replied, hopping it was believable "I'd love to hang out with you guys again!" Mickey chirped with fake enthusiasm, when in his mind he was hoping for the opposite.

Bennett smirked at their attempt to frighten Mickey, "It's cool Mickey, we understand you have a job to" he smiled kindly at Mickey, the two idiots, snickered as they made their way back to mickeys car.

Bennett nudged Chase in the side, "Did you two forget he is our ride back to the car?" he hissed.

Nick just shrugged and Chase laughed as he pointed to Bennetts legs "What are those?"

"legs?" Bennett replied confused

"Use them" Nick laughed "Get it, Bayley's joke?" Chase high fived Nick "Teamwork!"

Bennett just groaned and opened the passenger side door to the car, "You three are in the back"

"What did I do?" Saxon exclaimed

"Nothing, there's only one passenger seat" Bennett smirked as he climbed in and shut the door.

The ride back to the mechanic shop was quick and practically silent, other than Chase and Nick poking Saxon in his sides, since he chose to sit in the middle seat. Saxon was on the brink of punching the both of them but Mickey interrupted his violent thoughts.

"Alright boys, it's been a pleasure, but I believe this is your stop" Mickey smiled as he cut the engine and climbed out of his car. The others followed in his footsteps and all five of them made their way into the shop.

As they walked in the heard some mumbled humming and Bayley's boot came into their view as it was tapping away to some music.

"I swear that car gets more attention than me" Mickey muttered but the boys heard it.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 24, 2018 ⏰

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