~1~ VictorNamedJohanna - Pancakes are Love

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"Ojai and China! Cyrus and Canada! Any way any time, thanks" - @VictorNamedJohanna

((The fact that the first ficlet has MY OC'S is extremely flattering! Thanks so much! For any of you reading It's Called Family, this won't affect the plot line in anyway at all. This pretty much never really happened in the story. Leave more requests!)

Pancakes Are Love

"You are an idiot, in fact, you may just be the stupidest idiot in existence. HOW THE HELL DO YOU EVEN SET AN OVEN ON FIRE!" screamed a very pissed off Canadian. Cyrus meekly smiled at him.

"Uh, you obviously leave a pizza in for too long."

Canada shoved Cyrus away, coughing feverishly as he pulled the oven open. Smoke billowed out of it, flooding into the kitchen. Canada sighed as he heard the familiar beeping of the fire alarm go off. Cyrus couldn't hold back a snort at the Canadian's attitude. Canada threw a crispy oven mitt at him.

"Couldn't you have just stopped with your fire powers or something?" Canada scowled, inspecting the damage.

"Well that didn't pop into my head at the time." Another oven mitt was shoved in his face.

"You're so lucky that we are the only ones home right now. England is going to kill you," Canada pulled the oven closed, "And while he kills you, I'll stand by and laugh.

"You wouldn't. You love me way too much to do that," Cyrus retorted. Canada blushed bright red and punched his shoulder.

"I don't love you!"

"Whatever Pancake. C'mon, I need to replace this oven before England and America get back from World Conference in three days."



When they got to the store, Canada couldn't hold back a long sigh. Cyrus stuck his tongue out, "Would you stop sighing? I told you, England will never know." Cyrus wrapped his arm around the pouting nation.

"How do we even know that they still sell that exact model?" Canada said, hiding his face in his hoodie so Cyrus couldn't see his blush.

"They do, I ordered it online already. They're even gonna install it for us and everything. All I have to do is sign some paperwork."

"Wait a minute," Canada paused, "then why did you drag me along with you idiot!"

"Because," Cyrus whispered softly into his ear, "I couldn't go too long without my wonderful Pancake. I'd miss you too much."

This time Canada couldn't hide his blush, and buried his face into Cyrus's shoulder.


"That was the most boring and dreadfully unawesome thing I've ever done."

"That's it, just for making me sit through that, you're taking me out for pancakes right now." Canada groaned, resting his forehead on the other's shoulder.

Laughing, Cyrus dragged them to the car and to a diner. They were both giggling when they finally sat down.

A waitress walked over to take their order, she was smiling brightly, "So what can I get you?"

"A coffee and toast for me please," Cyrus grinned.

"And for your boyfriend?" said the waitress cheekily.

"Pancakes for Pancake," Cyrus answered, placing a small kiss on Canada's cheek.

"I'm not his boyf-"

"Okay coming right up!" The waitress sauntered off, her heels clicking on the tiles.

"Cyrus! Why didn't you tell her that I'm not your boyfriend?!"

"SHHHH! Do you hear that?!" Cyrus exclaimed.

"Hear what?"

"Look!" Cyrus cocked his head to the side, "Is that Ojai?! Who's that girl he's with?"

Canada furrowed his brow, he'd recognize that pony anywhere! "Holy maple! That's not a girl! That's China!"

"Are they dating?"

Canada glanced over to see China shyly placing his hand on top of Ojai's, "I think so."

"DAMN FINALLY!" Cyrus said loudly, Ojai instinctively turned at the sound of Cyrus's voice, and Canada was about to duck under the table.

"Relax," Cyrus reassured him, "He's blind remember."

"You idiot! That's not the point! What if China sees us!"

"Shut up Pancake."

"Don't call me Pancake!"

Cyrus sighed and put his arm around Canada. "Look, are you still pissed about the waitress thing?"

Canada sighed, "No."

"Well," Cyrus smirked, "Wanna be my boyfriend then?"

"Where the hell did that come from?! We were just arguing like a second ago."




"Just," Canada pulled on Cyrus's hoodie, bringing their faces closer together, "Shut up Cyrus." And with one swift move, Canada pressed their lips together, and he could feel Cyrus smiling against his.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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