what is this? ●2●

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Still fluttershy p.o.v.

What is this? i never seen a thing like It before i got back on my hooves and ran back to tell my friends to tell them what i saw. i seen rainbow dash flying "rainbow dash i have to tell you and the girls something" i said but she couldn't hear me but i can see that she stop flying and start looking around.

Rainbow dash p.o.v.

"Did I just hear something" i said to myself i stop flying and start looking around i look behind me and saw fluttershy "oh hey fluttershy" i then fly  to fluttershy. "what's up" i said "rainbow dash why are you flying so fast" she said trying to breathe"oh i was....doing something yeah something" i said in a nervous voice i was going to prank rarity like last time oh that was funny and yummy


Flashback end
Hahaha Oh now my tummy is growing so i tell fluttershy let's go get something to eat she said "ok" so we went to get some cake. me and fluttershy was siting i was stuffing my face with cake and fluttershy start talking.

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