Skool Luv Affair Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The classroom was filled with the sound pencils scraping against papers as the teacher paced down the aisles, pen behind her ear, ruler in her hand. "Move along," she barked. "You all have a half-hour left to pass up your papers..." as usual, the rest of the class sat up straight, and began to write nicer, working at a faster pace as she passed each of them.

"Time's up!" her voice echoed throughout the room.


Just then Jin dropped his pencil... and its annoying crack echoed as its lead broke off.

Some students snickered behind their hands, some simply smirked in his direction, each sign of laughter disappearing as the teacher slowly and haughtily strode toward Jin's table, a clear sign of anger upon her face. "Sweety," she murmured in the dangerous sweet tone she always did, "How many times must I tell you to not drop your pencil.?" "Many a time," Jin muttered, his fists clenching. "Ma'am," she hissed. "Many a time, Ma'am," he repeated, biting his lower lip out of anger. "Now that's better Hon," she jibed. "PAPERS, STUDENTS!" she shouted. "WHERE ARE YOUR BLASTED MATH PAPERS?" There was a flurry of chairs scraping against the floor and students crowding around the teacher's podium, and they were sharply ordered around. "Line up! Now."

Jin sighed and caught Yoongi's eye for reassurance, who quickly broke away, passing up his paper. Jin decided he was up for a long day.

Skool Luv Affair (YoonJin)Where stories live. Discover now