My Start

31 1 0

So I was going through crunchyrolls alphabet and stumble across five different season but it is nine so...

Cardfight!!! Vanguard

Cardfight!!! Vanguard Asia Circut

Cardfight!!! Vanguard Link Joker

Cardfight!!! Vanguard Legion Mate

Cardfight!!! Vanguard Generation

Cardfight!!! Vanguard Generation Gear Crisis

Cardfight!!! Vanguard  Generation Stride Gate

Cardfight!!! Vanguard Generation Next

Cardfight!!! Vanguard Generation Z-End

So yeah I don't know anything about card fight, but I do love bl aka boy love Kaichi, Kairen, Renchi,Renai and so on...... But I will take on any come meant form you guys so please do speak your mind. Thank you so very much for reading this I hope you enjoy this letter. Sorry if it short I am writing this in bed so I just thought I had written this so I really hope you enjoy.

How I Loved Cardfight VanguardWhere stories live. Discover now