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"What's a... Cockblock?"

Spitting out my drink, I quickly bubbled Steven and Connie up and whipped my figure around towards Peridot who was lying on the floor with an electronic tablet before her. She was goofing off on some story app or something and all I knew at that moment was that it was not appropriate for prying ears.

"Peridot! There are children here," my face grew hot as I scolded the little green gem. "Not everything you see on Earth will be appropriate for them! Don't you know that-"

"Morning, you two. Four. Why are they floating?"

Peridot broke out in laughter as her eyes fell upon Jasper, who I could tell was coming up behind me. As I turned, I was face to face with her chest, getting a faceful of her XXL shirt decorated with the word 'oppai' in all caps and two figures resembling... boobs. I rushed over to the children and pushed them into the bathroom, splitting the large bubble into two, silencing their conversation.


"Do you like my shirt? Can't remember where I got it, but I know that Amethyst took me there-"

Next I knew, there was an angry knock on the door and the sound of a large crowd screaming for the large orange gem. The other gems weren't here at the moment, so that left me as the only responsible one. Cautiously, I approached the door, swinging it open just in time to see Mayor Dewey. And he was quick enough to throw himself down inside and lock the door behind himself.

"Guys, you have got to help me. There's this... thing. The whole city has been noticing more and more weird stuff happening, but- hey, where's that little pink boy? Wait! Didn't you rob the souvenir shop at-"

"Shhshhshh..." Jasper picked the mayor up like he was a baby and covered his mouth. It was rather awkward to watch, but hilarious to take in. "Now. You don't mention it, I don't pulverize your rib cage. Deal?"

With a nervous gasp, Dewey fell to the floor as Jasper went to sit down on Steven's bed. Turning to Peridot, I thought she would be of some use. Turns out she just deadpanned and slowly backed into the bathroom to watch over Connie and Steven. I was left alone to deal with this sobbing mess of a human.

"What do you need?" My tone was gruff and he was cowering on the floor, but as he looked up to me and I down at him, I could feel his gaze turn uncomfortably into something other than fear. It was the feeling of 'What do I do? This thing could kill me at any moment, yet...'

"You're... beautiful."

"Hey! Leave that for Pearl, but this one's all mine! Why don't you deal with your own mayoral issues, scrub?"

Jasper had crept up beside me once again, and as she yelled to the sad little man, she lifted me upon her shoulder without effort. Dewey was in shock and eventually found the words to apologize, but couldn't help scrutinize every obvious detail to Jasper. She was different colors of orange, resembled a tiger, and had a very, very... sharp... nose?

"Mayor Dewey! Why are there so many people outside?"

Steven burst through the bathroom door, Connie's hand in his own, and Peridot's in his other. He ran over to the rest of us, let go of his friends, and grabbed the mayor's face, bringing it down to his level.

"What did you do," he burst in a panicked tone.

~~~~~w o w z a~~~~~

So, that was an adventure. There's 500 some words in this chapter aside from the note, forgot what it was, but I know it was pretty good. I hope I haven't jumped around too much with this and been too awfully confusing. I still want to write this, and I think that I need to go back and get into the SU fandom all over again in order to make it something I'll be happy with.

The problem is, I can never find any good renditions of the episodes and it's pretty hard to get into the fandom when you haven't been checking out the official content. Or any content in general.

I sincerely do hope that everyone is enjoying this story, it's been fun to write when I've had time to do so. Surely, this won't be put off once I start up with all of it again. I may even get ahead with my writing! Wouldn't that be nice?

Anyway, please do tell me how you're liking the story and if you have any suggestions, do let me know! I would love to know what my readers want to get out of this. I also understand that there may be a few unneeded details, but sometimes those can have a larger effect on the story. It adds into the jumble of a real world experience I guess. I'm trying to come up with some jumble that makes sense lol.

Whatever, cut to the chase. I love you guys, thank you for reading! Please do make recommendations and ask questions, I'm sure they'll make my day.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2018 ⏰

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