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Stevan's POV

The words that came out of her mouth disgusted me, how could she love Damon over me? I was the good brother... he wasn't. I will get her back, with the help of Caroline of course! She always knows what to do. I was hurt so I need time to myself, before I make the situation worse. She will soon realise I'm the one she wants and then she'll come running back to me. Just like a love story!

Elena's POV

I sat in my car panting. I wasn't tired I was upset. I needed to drive to Damon, but I didn't know where he was. I dialled his number and he picked up on the 3rd ring.

"Hey Elena, what up?" I pictured him smirking on the other end of the phone, it brightened my mood.

"Where are you?, I need to see you" I quickly said.

"At the Mystic Grill with Ric"

"I'm on my way, don't move"

"Elena, why do you need to see me so quickly, just talk to Stefan if he's nearby" 

"We broke up, I'll explain when I get there"

"Okay. See you soon"

As I ended the call I could feel my heart slow down. He made me calm and happy. I needed to see him or I knew I would start crying and not stop for an eternity. 

I didn't love Stefan anymore.

I didn't love Stefan anymore. 

Even as my confusing feeling evolved i could help the heart break that came with the breakup.  As I arrived at the grill Ric left and said me and Damon needed to talk alone, I nodded and began to walk over to the mysterious guy sat in the corner.

"Hey Elena" Damon said as he greeted me.

"Do you know why me and Stefan broke up?" I asked abruptly as my heart started thudding again. He looked at me, confused.

"No, nobody told me about it but you, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to" he said

"I broke up with Stefan because." I paused, was it the right time? "because of you Damon, I have feelings for you"

Damon's POV

As she said those words I wanted to kiss her so badly, I had to restrain myself. She came to me for comfort and I will comfort her. Not to kiss her and never let her go, as my whole body was telling me to. 

I love Elena Gilbert

And she was choosing me.

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