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Yeah... So the lit tag that's been going around...yeah here's 13 facts about me!

1. I'm really annoying IRL... Like really annoying. I'm not kidding when I say I've caused many people to hate me just cos I annoy them to no end.
2. I'm really temperamental. Like REALLY temperamental. I can go from 0 to 100 really fast because of stupid things. Another reasons I have no friends.
3. I'm terribly unfit. Like ... I'm super fat and I have like no stamina.
4. I was bullied ... a lot. I never really knew how to socialize... So when I moved to a more competitive school... I really got picked on... I did really stupid things, that affected both myself and others... I have learnt from those experiences and tried to be better.
5. My favourite punctuation mark is the ellipsis... (Can you tell?)
6. I actually have a very bubbly and fun personality! Not many people see that tho
7. Hm... What else can I say... I'm a fairly average person...
8. I'm not really a gamer... Like... Not at all... While my classmates discuss overwatch and LoL I just sit there and judge them.
9. I hate math... And all science... I'm more of a languages person... So... Do whatever you want with that knowledge
10. I'm bilingual, and trying to learn Japanese... Tho I'm failing spectacularly
11. I'm running out of ideas... (Can you tell?)
12. I really like vocaloid songs...just not any creepy ones...
13. I'm an only child (#sad)

And these are 13 random facts about me... Sorry for it being so late... I have a bunch of projects in school... Anyways...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2018 ⏰

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