Rule one: Take everything literally

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      Okay, honestly, this book is just a vent book towards people I hate. These people right here, are the worst of all (well, second worst). These people happen to be total dickheads to absolutely everyone, just to prove a point. I hate people who just HAVE to be right all the time. A good example of these assholes would be Vegan gains or whatever his name is. Well, not him. He's in a whole different category. But he was on a podcast with some idiot I completely forgot the name of. Vegan gains said, "Take slavery, for an example." As an example of putting people down because they're lesser than the other. Know what this asshole said? "So you're saying that slavery is like eating meat?" It was obvious he didn't mean that. But he had to go out of his way to fucking tick Vegan off, just to prove his stupid god damned fucking point.

      We also have a boy named Andrew in my class, not really a bad kid but minorly annoying. We we're watching Peter Pan one day to learn about animating and creativity. He said "But humans can't flyyyyy,' and just kept on whining. He needs to learn that realistic-fiction and fantasy are two way different things. He says he read the Harry Potter books, but I don't think he could even believe an Aunt and Uncle could fit a child in a cupboard.

      If you don't want to be a dickhead, let yourself always be settled into something that's either fictional, or wouldn't make sense in a different context. Listen to others opinions and still like the things you like. Also, don't try to look smart just because you take shit literally.

      Also, just don't.

How to be an asshole, A story by a fucking jerkWhere stories live. Discover now