How it all started

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Author's (quick) note:
Sup. Thanks for reading this. It was kinda just an idea to write something. I think I had a dream about it, but put my own twist to it. So yeah. Read ahead. Or something.
Lance POV

I can't remember much. I'm only 5, but I know these are not my real parents. I don't remember my real parents, except they had brown hair, and tan skin like I do. But these people, who I have to live with, don't. They have the palest skin, and the woman, who is telling me to call her mommy, has blonde hair. The man, who is telling me to call him daddy,(that got dirty) has darkish, almost black hair. I do not know how I got here. I woke up in a strange room. I was laying in a simple bed with blue covers. There were some toys here and there, but not much. I has quietly walked out of the room, not really expecting much. I was dizzy and confused. There were a set of stairs that went straight down were down the hall. I walked down them, and saw a door straight ahead. It had a bunch of padlocks and stuff, and it looked really complicated to open.

"Sweetie!" I hear a light voice call from my right. There in what seems to be the dining room, is a man and most likely his wife. They are sitting at a table, eating something I cannot make out.

"Come join us for dinner! You are right on time!" She said, motioning for me to sit in one of the seats next to her. The man glared at me, and I felt scared. I hesitated, just standing at the end of the stairs.

"Aw come on son, don't be scared, nothing's wrong! We have dinner every night!" The man said. His face showed sincerity, but his eyes showed darkness. These people... they were acting like nothing was wrong.

"Come sit next to your mommy," the woman said, patting the seat again. I stepped back a bit.
Mommy?? I knew this woman wasn't my mom. The two of them seemed to notice my facial expression, because the man suddenly became angry.

"Your mother told you to sit down, so sit down," he growled at me. I was too afraid to tell them anything. So I did as I was told. I sat down and ate the food they had given me. Once I had finished, I ran up to the room I had been in earlier. I flopped down on the bed, trying to remember what had happened. Then it all came to me at once. It made my head hurt, so I rubbed my temples. Theses people were definitely not my parents. They were my kidnappers.

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