« Chapter One »

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Stella's POV 
              - October 2017

I stood in the in middle of the hub at Penn State University. Fall was officially upon us and I couldn't be any more happier. I love this time of year. I love the cold weather so I can officially wear my boots without getting weird looks, and I love the colors of leaves that surround the campus.

Fall in Pennsylvania has always so beautiful.

I took out my camera from my bag, I never leave the dorms without it, and snapped a photo of a leaf falling to the ground. It was a moment captured in time for when the leaf fell to the ground, it would be long forgotten amongst the others. That's why I'm always taking pictures, I don't want to forget the little things.

A loud commotion tore my eyes away from the photo I just took. A group of students gathered around an oak tree screaming and chanting. I usually avoid loud crowds when I can, but my feet had a mind of its own and soon enough I was engulfed by the crowd.

"Beast mode, Chase!"

I raised my camera to my eye, zoomed in on dark brown wavy hair and snapped a photo. I smiled down at what I captured, a man with an air of excellence and a pride smile on his face.

Chase Elliott, the star quarterback for the Nittany Lions, who had thousand admires and impeccable game play that makes the NFL scouts drool.

I couldn't help but stand there in the middle of the crowd, staring at the man that made my heart flutter, and so much more. That's what happens when you work next to someone during a whole summer. You wake up one day realizing you have feelings for someone and that's what happened. Plus we have a special friendship - a promise of sorts.

I gasped when Chase looked my way, his brown eyes meeting my hazel ones. His smile got bigger as he nodded at me and then the crowd whisked him away. It was almost like it didn't happen, but it did.

I let out the breath I was holding, turned on my heels and ran right into a hard mass. "Whoops, sorry!" I looked up to see cold blue eyes staring right where Chase just was. Then I realized who it was. "Oh, it's you." Ryan Blaney, the mysterious guitar player who sings about heartache and wanting to change the world. He's also studying pre-law, as with I, so he was in a lot of my classes. I still haven't made my mind up about him but I try to stay pretty mutual, given the fact that I might need a favor from him one day.

"I don't get the infatuation." He stood there, staring after the crowd, completely unaware that I bumped into him. "Everyone thinks he can walk on water all because he can throw a ball."
"That's not all," I countered.
Ryan looked down at me, his eyebrow raised in question. "Enlighten me then." I rolled my eyes at him, how could he not see how amazing Chase was? I mean, he's a freaking Elliott! His dad was the star quarterback here and ended up being signed to the Cowboys and won a few Super Bowls. Chase was born to throw a football, it was his destiny.
"He's the reason we're number one in the rankings."
"Like I said, everyone thinks he walks on water." He pointedly looked at me before pushing past me, his bag and guitar in tow.

"Aren't you going to class?" I huffed.
He barely looked over his shoulder, "got places to be," was the answer the wind carried to me.

I couldn't help but glare my eyes at him. I didn't understand his distaste for Chase, everyone loves him.

"Got places to be," I mocked, turning on my heel and headed towards my Ethic class. Not sure who Mr. Blaney think he is, but that's not how you get into law school.   


A/N: I think 'ole Ryan Blaney here does not like that Chase Elliott character now, does he? 

Soooo I have a bunch of chapters written for this story and I'm finally able to share it with you! I really hope you like this - I never intended for a love triangle to happen, but here we are, stuck right in the middle of one.

This story came about from personal heartache, having a thing for the current quarterback at Penn State and seeing a photo of Chase throwing a football. OH! And the fact that Blaney keeps a guitar in his motorhome. 

Please let me know what you think! Next chapter will be posted in a few days! 

<3 M

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