« Chapter Seven »

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Stella's POV

I stood in the middle of the sidewalk with my fingers up to my lips with a soft smile on my face. I watched Ryan walk away from me until he disappeared around a corner. I know I was smiling like a fool, but who could blame me? My lips were still tinglingly from the kiss, an unexpected one to say the least.

These last 24-hours has been a whirlwind. I couldn't even wrap my mind around what was happening. I don't understand why Ryan kept kissing me, but yet neither of us brought up last night's kiss as we ate lunch, either. Then he kissed me goodbye and now I'm floating on cloud 9.

I hopped on the shuttle bus and thought about everything on the short ride over to Beaver Stadium. We're we a thing now? I mean, we've never said, so I'm not sure. Do I even like him? My heart gave a little extra jump at that question and I knew I was heading in that direction. I've really never thought of Ryan like that before.

He's always been in the background of everything come to think of it. He's in most of my classes, he goes to the same coffee shop as I do, and most times I walk by him in the library. His nose is always stuck in a book, or he's constantly scribbling in his notebook. I know he's a hard worker and makes good marks. I admire that about him, he's not here to party like most of these students are.

Then to find out that we have something in common, how his guitar was his go to when things were tough. I mean, I don't know him beyond that, but I could see myself with him. I'd be lying if I said I didn't fit perfectly in his arms or that smile of his does things to me that shouldn't be said out loud.

I smiled to myself when I realized that yeah, maybe I do like Ryan a teeny tiny bit. If I see him at the game tonight, maybe I'll pluck up the courage to ask him to lunch again, or ask if he wants to sit together for the game.

"Stella!" The moment I get off the bus my friend Maren engulfed me in a giant hug. She pulled me through the crowd until we got to where a few of our friends were tailgating. By the look of things, everyone was beyond drunk and kickoff was still hours away.

"Drink?" She handed me a blue solo cup, one sniff told me it was straight up liquor. "Okay, I can't wait anymore. Spill!" She looked at me expectantly, I had no idea what she was talking about. "Oh, c'mon! You know, the kiss!" I just blinked up at her, kiss? "Everyone is talking about it! How you and Ryan stood in the middle of the Brickyard making out last night! I want details! Is he a great kisser? I bet he is, he's so mysterious, I bet he knows how to make a girl weak in the knees, and that hair of his! Ugh. What I wouldn't do to get my hands on him."

"Maren!" I broke her out of her little fantasy that did not make me jealous, nope. "What are you talking about?"

"So you're saying it's not true?" I hesitated, and that was enough for her to to scream. "Tell me!"

"Wait, how did you find out about it?" I'm invisible, no one notices me even if I was the only one standing in the room, so there was no way anyone saw us last night.

"It was on Snapchat." My heart sunk and I'm pretty sure it stopped beating.

"What?" She pulled out her phone, going to the local stories and skipped ahead until right there on the screen, was Ryan, kissing me.

"You're blushing!" I grabbed the phone from her, watching it over and over again from different angles. 'Get it Ryan!' was most of the captions, but then one had my name 'holy fuck it's Stella!'. "Well? Do I need to beg here?"

I told her everything. From how I got knocked into him and how he just kissed me, plain and simple. She screamed when I told her he kissed me again after we had lunch. I was so confused but she was convinced he liked me.

"Wait." She held out her hands and looked up at me. "What about Chase?" I sunk in the closest chair, placing my face in my hands. It just hit me that he saw the snaps. He knows I kissed Ryan.

"He wants to meet at half time. I didn't know why, but now I do."


"I mean, we're not dating or anything." I tried, knowing full well I was bullshitting myself.

"What about the promise you made him?" I didn't say anything but closed my eyes. "Oh, Stella!" She jumped in my lap and gave me a hug.

I'm officially screwed.

I don't know what to do.


A/N: I promise you'll find out soon what the promise to Chase is - any guesses on what it is? I also promise he'll be showing up a lot more in the upcoming chapters, too. Love you guys!

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