CHAPTER ONE - Hi nice to meet you

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This is my first fanfic. I apologise in advance if there is any mistakes or just lacking a bit of excitement or in well being good...


My head started to pound horrendously as I woke up out of shock from my extremely annoying alarm clock. My arm found it's way out of my bed and slapped around to find the off button that I couldn't see because my face was full on buried into my pillow. I finally found it and my ears were saved from the wave of noise. The sun was beaming through my little curtains from the window besides my bed. I dragged the pillow over my head to block out any sunlight that had forced its way on to my face. I was extremely hungover, and I mean SEVERELY. "Urrhhh" I muttered as my voice started to crack, I could tell I drunk to much last night because my voice was starting to give up on me. I threw the pillow off my head in frustration and turned to face my alarm clock. It was 11am, I hated waking up late, I always felt like I'm almost wasting my day, but on a day like this I really didn't care.

My feet touched the cold yet soothing smooth wooden floor of my bedroom. Today I was off limits, I wasn't doing anything, ANYTHING today. I'm normally a busy person but nope, not today. I walked over to my full length mirror, which of course is a necessity in every girls daily life. Wow did I look awful! Who would want to wake up to this every morning? I look like the joker, no, I look even worse. My hair was all over the place, lipstick stained on my lips and I was still in my full outfit from last night! I didn't even notice. I pulled my now not so red dress down my legs and dragged my body downstairs to the kitchen to get my self a well deserved painkiller and a glass of water. I shot the thing down my throat and let it do it's work. It felt like a mission to get upstairs and get myself in the shower, but i did it. I stepped in and let the hot water drain all of last night out of me as I started to feel a little better.

12'o clock came around soon enough and I was on my sofa in sweats, slumped about all over the place. The TV was on blasting away to itself, I think it was F.R.I.E.N.D.S I wasn't really sure. My eyes started to grow heavy and almost fell into sleep when suddenly my phone pinged twice. I just wanted to sleep! I reached across to the glass coffee table to see who it was who was disturbing my peace! It was my boss, shit. I opened the text.



Good afternoon, how are you this morning? Listen, we have a very special client coming in today at 3:00. I know it's a Saturday but we need to be on our best standards and I would happily inform you that you are one of our best. Please be here for 2:30. See you then.


ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Just typical I get called into work on a day like this. I haven't even got a choice in the matter! Oh well, work was work and at least I got payed! I dragged my ass of the sofa and made my way back to my room. I sat on my bed just feeling sorry for myself with an aching head in my hands. I tried to slap my face multiple times to wake myself up. My phone beeped again.


'Sorry, I meant 1:30'

Nah! He's taking the piss now. I have 1 and a half hours to get there and get ready. My tired feet took me over to the wardrobe. I just stared at myself in the mirrored doors, unsure of what to do. Thinking of it I'm quite tall, taller than my boss who is tiny but I'm around 5'8, average I guess. My hair is difficult to name, I'm a sort of light brown with blond highlights (natural) and an auburn hint to it, it's naturally straight with a wave. Bright Blue eyes, which possibly stand out caused by my slightly (also natural) tanned skin. I'm quite slim, hardly have any boobs but eh, who cares I have an ass! I literally pulled out my whole wardrobe in hopes that I'd still have something decent to wear. I chose a slim fitting, armless black dress that complimented my curves and my "slightly tanned skin", the typical black heels to go with the dress, loosely curled my hair and styled it in a French braid on the side of my head and put my hair to one side. I put red lipstick on (any I could find would do) and mascara, the usual. I didn't really need much else, I just had to look presentable...although I felt like shit.

I work for a promotion company, took me years to get the job but it pays good so I'm fine. All I really do is sit at a table surrounded by experts and spout my 23 year old views on what I think is best for these company's and sometimes I mostly just run errands for people. Let's just say I'm not the most important one on the team, but for all I care...well I don't really.

I rushed out the door with my bag which held my most important things in it and unlocked my car. Boy was it breezy outside, I wouldn't have known, I could have been sleeping. I'm not letting that go. My car was a little white mini, I loved it, but in years to come I can hopefully say that I will own something a lot bigger and better, I'm good for now though. The time was 1:15. "Shit! I'm going to be late. Steve is going to kill me" I said in frustration. It at least took me about half an hour to get to Intent Promo (the company name, Intent for short) and that depends on the traffic as i do live in London. Also they said they had a "special client" of some sort, to be honest, it's probably nothing, it never is. I drove as fast as the speed limit would let me go to get to Intent and arrived there in just under 30 mins, I was still late though. To my surprise, there was a huge crowd of people dressed in suits ready to get to work all standing outside the building, and a big black car with blacked out windows on the left of me. Who on earth needs a car as big as that, it's just not needed. Everyone started to make their way into the tall building, which was good because I started to feel a little awkward just standing out here alone. I rushed in and decided to take the elevator because the amount of stairs in that building is ridiculous! I burst through the glass doors to the offices to see my bosses disappointed face as I walked through gingerly.

"You're late miss Grace" he said bluntly.

Even though my name is Alix, he likes to call me by my last name to let me know when he disapproves of my actions. Bit annoying really.

"I'm really sorry, there was hideous traffic on my way up here" I lied.

His small yet intimidating statue stood there examining my face for a while before speaking again. Probably trying to figure out if I was lying or not.

"There's no time for excuses Alix, we have our guest waiting in the room next to us this very moment, you need to get in there. Go!"

Guest? With what he said, I shot straight outside the room of which the meeting was being held. I took a few seconds to compose myself as I still felt crap from this morning and pushed open the doors being as quiet as possible. I saw a big oval shaped table with a lot people sitting round it, some of which were standing and talking at once, it was more relaxed than I thought it was going to be, thank god. A young figure who I don't think I had seen in the office before caught my eye, I could only see the back of her (I'm guessing female) body. She was slim and tall and surrounded by a bunch of people. From what I could see this girl was wearing black disco pants, a big colourful

T-shirt and white heels, which I admired, In fact I admired all her clothes. Her hair was in a shiny, slick black, shoulder length bob parted at the side. Dave, who was one of the main workers in this department, noticed my post absence, took me by the arm and pulled me over, he was talking to the girl.

"Alix nice to see you!" He turned me towards the girl and she took notice. "Alix this is Jessie and Jessie this is Alix" he said signalling with his hand. Fuck. I know her. She's the price tag singer, 2 albums and shaved her hair off for charity girl, of course the one and only Jessie fucking J! I see her all the time in magazines. And she was here, right in front of me. I suddenly went all quiet and shy, I turned all nervous. Anyone would In front of a celebrity wouldn't they? She smiled looking right at me with her deep green eyes, I just didn't know what to do with myself, she was stunning. She didn't at all look like what I had imagined her to look like in person. She spoke first, I guess she noticed my shyness because she started to let out this soft giggle. This was a little embarrassing.

"Hi, nice to meet you" she said in a soft, satisfying Essex accent and stuck out her hand. Still smiling.

"You too" I think I said a bit quietly while I reproached the gesture of shaking her hand. I noticed myself becoming really conscious of my actions. I didn't want to make a bad first impression. I couldn't wipe that damn smile off my face, I don't even know why, nerves I think.

Dave listened in to our pathetically short conversation and called us all round the big oval table.

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