CHAPTER TWO - Here let me help

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I sat through the majority of the presentation just listening to Jessie's manager, who I now know was called Mark. He looked scary and really, really tall, but the sort of guy you could still have a laugh with, he made a few jokes which made me laugh. Not going to lie the presentation was a bit boring, I had to make a tone of notes and pledge my ideas in about how Jessie could promote her new album, but this time I didn't make a noise. I literally just sat there in awe of what was happening... Jessie J in the same room as me. It wasn't the usual me to keep quiet as I had about a thousand ideas in my head but just couldn't pluck up the courage to say something.

"Alix, what do you think?"

I jolted slightly, as dave spoke up bringing my attention back to the surroundings. Shit. I wasn't listening. Everyone's eyes stood rock hard staring at me, including Jessie's, who was sitting at opposite ends of the table, fuck.

"I-I um" I said trying to think of something to make up for the silence that had now filled the air. I couldn't help but notice Jessie's smirk, she obviously knew that I hadn't previously been listening.

"I -" just as I was about to make a pathetic comment, my phone started ringing. Thank fuck, saved by the bell. Due to my seriously embarrassing ring tone (Darthvader theme tune) It really didn't help the situation at all. My eyes turned once again to Jessie as she was trying to suppress her laugh. My hand raised slowly.

"Can I take this outside please? Sorry"

Mark nodded, and with that I was straight out of the room.

The phone continued to ring, it was Amber, my current friend house mate who I've know most my life and doesn't shut the fuck up, to put it nicely. I answered.

"Hellooooo?" She sang stubbornly.

"Amber I'm in the middle of a meeting and it's kind of an important one too" I tried to whisper.

"Oh so that's what took you so long?" Completely ignoring the apology I was expecting from her she spoke again. "Hey so um anyway, I wanted to know if you were free after work because Daniel is taking me out tomorrow and I have no flipping clothes!" She spoke fast. Lies, she had all the clothes in the world. Daniel was her on and off going boyfriend for the past two years who had a nice car and a flashy set of clothes, not to mention the teeth on that guy, he could make paper look yellow, she often went for that type.

" oh come on Ambs, him? Again? Really?"

"Yes Alix, him. I think we could really hit it off this time" I gave in.

"Ugh, fine. See you later I have to go"

"Meet me out side at 4, byeeee!"

I can't believed this just happened. On the day an actual real life celebrity comes into the office, I embarrass myself.

I walked back into the office clearly embarrassed, everyone's faces turned in sink to glare at me.

"Sorry" I said quietly as the presentation went on for another half an hour.

* * * * * * * * * * *

"Finally" I muttered under my breath whilst the presentation came to a close and everyone was starting to pack up.

"What was that?" A voice came from behind me, I turned on my heel as I was not in the mood to explain myself because I still felt like shit and it was a Saturday. I was about to make a snide comment when I realised it was her, Jessie. Oh crap.

"Oh, um, nothing" I let out a shy grin and started to pack my things up quickly. I was about to walk away from the table when my whole case flew open and out came all my paper work.

"Oh for-" I was about to swear the house down when Jessie cut me off.

"Here, let me help" she's nice. We both bent down to pick up the sprawled papers that were just EVERYWHERE.

"Thanks" I said sweetly whilst letting out a faint laugh "I'm so clumsy"

"Oh don't worry about it, I can be too" she smiled at me, making me feel a bit more at ease with the situation. I could tell that she was so much more confident than me from just speaking to her, I however was the shy one. We continued to pick up the papers and by now everyone had left the room but us.

"I like your hair, did you do it yourself?" She said after a while of silence, putting the papers in a neat pile next to her.

"Thank you, yeah I did" I smiled blushing. I felt so pathetic, but I just couldn't pull myself together and act more sturdy. We'd almost finished putting all the papers back into a pile. I caught eye contact with her for a second but I shot my head away to the wall. Awkward.

"Done! Here you go" she sighed loudly as though she had been running a marathon.

"Thank you again, Jessie" I shoved all my papers in my bag messily, just wanting to get out of the room, I felt as though I was going to be sick.

"Hey! We just spent time making those neat!" She stated laughing at me, I however was panicking if I was going to make it to the bathroom in time. I managed to let out a laugh though, I didn't want to seem like a person with a plain sense of humour. Wow okay, I was going to be sick. I felt the alcohol rising up my throat. I ran to the bathroom giving Jessie an apologetic look, she just stood looking confused. I pushed the ladies bathroom door wide open and rushed into a cubicle. It all just came out of me straight into the toilet. It happened a couple of times and to say I felt like death would be an understatement. After a while, the sound of footsteps flooded to bathroom. I grabbed the toilet roll that hung besides me and wiped my face before flushing the toilet.

"Are you okay?" A soft voice said. I turned around, it was Jessie, again. Bless her. Could my day get any worse? I slumped myself on the wall besides me sitting next to the toilet. She crouched down to my level. I liked her perfume..

"Fucking vodka" I said humorously, hoping she wouldn't mind that I swore. I didn't feel as shy now, just pure, pure embarrassment. Thankfully she laughed.

"So it's like that is it? How much?" She said with a hint of concern in her voice referring to the alcohol.

"A lot, I didn't know I was meant to be at work today, it is after all a Saturday" I said annoyed at the fact once again. She didn't say anything, just stood up. For a minute I though she was going to leave me sitting here, but she didn't.

"Here" she stuck out her hand helping me up steadily onto my feet. A smile once again creeped onto my face, she smiled back whilst bringing me over to the sink. Again, she was nice.

"I urm, I have to go now, are you sure you're going to be okay?" She said sympathetically.

"Yeah, I'll be okay, thank you, for everything" I washed my hands.

She smiled once more and left.


If you have read the story so far, it means a lot. Even if it's just a small amount of people.

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