Chapter Two: Let the feast begin

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Dressed in my bland baby blue sweater and hat, I follow in step behind Fleur Delacure and Madam

Maxime as he begin to make our grand entrance in the Grand Hall. " Ready girls ?" Madama

Maxime asks, clapping her hands together. We all nod in reply, and she propels the door open. I

feel completely ridiculous prancing down the tables, and trying to entice boys with blowing kisses,

and small hand waves. I scan the rows of tables, and smile innocently letting my eyes sparkle. One

boy is staring too long though, the one boy I wished would never notice me. Bright green eyes

shine back at me, and for a second this boy with untidy jet black hair has a confused look drawn on

his face. I don't have long to notice though, because it is my turn to turn somersaults to the front of

the room. Lightheaded and ashamed, I take my seat with the other giggling flirtious girls, and try to

key in with what Dumbledore is saying. This man attomatically gains my respect. His stunning blue

eyes, and long wisps of hair are very noticeable and i'm sure Sirius is right this is the man I must

tell. Thankfully he doesn't look my way, as he explains the Triwizard Touranment to all the Hogwarts

students. One teacher catches my eye though. This man has greasy long black hair that dangles

limply around his face, his skin is very pale, and his face is marked with a hooked nose. His eyes

are piercing and chilling. He looks as if he knows something, which makes a little paranoid. He

can't know anything, Sirius said he made sure of that! Dumbledore drones on, until i feel i may go

mad with worry. Finally he closes his speech, and everyone is dismissed. I wiggle my way through

the crowd, and pass a still confused looking Harry. Poor kid,I think, and then remember he is my

age. He is even older than me by three minutes. He looks so small though, so skinny and young. I

nod at him, when he meets my gaze then quickly shuffle towards the shiny gray hair I see bobbing

over the crowd. I make way out into the less crowded corridor, and let the eager student fly by me. I

lead against the wall and wait for the corridor to clear out before going on my hunt to find Albus

Dumbledore. When I think I'm alone I get up from the wall, and start aimlessly searching the halls.

A cold hand stops me though, and spins me around. " Who are you ?" The teacher I recognize from

dinner demands. " Excuse me ?" I ask gently, shrugging away from his grasp. " You heard me who

are you ?" He question again. " My name is Cherry." I say slowly. " You know what I mean? Where

are you from, and who are your parents ?" He commands, in a dark voice. " I beg your pardon?" I r

eply, trying to remain acting clueless. " Who are your parents ?" He repeats, irritation itching in his

voice. " I'm afraid I don't have any, sir." I say sweetly. " You see both my parents died in a car

accident, back when I was a baby. I've lived in an orphanage ever since. Why it was a big surprise

to discover I was a wizard !" I lie swiftly, putting a fake smile on my face. The man raises his

eyebrows, then slowly debates his words for a second. " So your saying, you never knew your

parents ? They died when you were a baby, and you had no clue you were a wizard ? You sure you

want to stick with that story, because I have some veritaserum in my office if need be ? " He

threatens. " That would be such a waste, sir. What makes you think I'm lying ?" I question. " Your

eyes give you away." He responds, grinning slyly. " That is nonsense ! " I exclaim. " Now if you will

please excuse me I have a message to deliver to Albus Dumbledore, from Madam Maxime," I fib. "

Hear let me show you where it is." He grumbles, leading me down the hall and up from stairs. "

Don't think I don't know who you are though." He whispers, pointing to a door. " And who am I ?" I

challenge, knocking on the door. " I'll just let you decide on that." He murmurs, then slips down the

hall. It takes a few moments for Dumbledore to appear behind the door, but I soon see why. A

spiraling staircase stands behind him. " Can I help you, miss ?" He ask politely. " May I ask you a

question ?" I respond. He nods, and I follow him up the towering stairwell. " Now what can I help

you with ?" He asks, sitting down behind his desk and crossing his hands together like he is

praying. " More like some information I need to pass on to you." I remove the parchment from my

pocket and hand it over to him. " This is from Sirius Black, or who I like to call Uncle Sirius." I smile,

watching as his eyes dart down the page. The room sits quietly for a few minutes, while

Dumbledore analyzes the letter. In the corner is a phoenix snoozing, and the pictures of previous

Hogwarts headmasters are staring at the note behind Dumbledore's shoulder. " Well Miss Potter, I

must say this is quite a surpise for me ." Dumbledore confesses, returning me my parchment. "

Uncle Sirius tried to keep it that way." I brag, in a lot of ways although I've never really met Uncle

Sirius he feels like a father to me. " You see Mr. Dumbledore. I'm here to protect my brother

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