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I felt arms wrap around my waist. A head lolled against mine. I was warm and didn't want to wake up.
I screwed my eyes shut and tried to nod off again, but I was already awake. I turned to see Sumo holding me.
I must've fallen asleep during the trustfall. I looked around and spotted my bag.
"The package!" I exclaimed quietly. I slowly escaped his grip and made my way to my backpack.
I zipped it open and took out the box. Carefully opening it, a shiny gameboy was revealed to my eyes.
"No way..." I gasped with my voice lowered.
Sumo snapped awake.
"Izzy?" He groaned groggily.
I zipped back to the nest and sat down.
"Wanna watch me play some videogames?" I asked.
It was currently 2:30 in the morning, but it was worth it.
I sat back in Sumo's arms so he could watch.
I pressed the bright button and the system turned on. I chose a game and started it.
I woke up. The gameboy in my lap, and Sumo's arms tight around me. Once again.
I was still in his tee, but I had nothing else to wear.
I shook him awake.
"Sumo!" I hissed.
He shook awake.
"What?" His voice had a scratchy context.
"I don't really have anything else to wear.." I looked down at my shirt.
"Do you have any pants I could borrow?"
Sumo got up. He tripped around as if he were dizzy. He went to his bag and pulled out a pair of ripped skinny jeans.
He was a short boy but they fit.
I walked out of the bathroom.
After tidying up my hair, I had to admit, I kind of liked the shirt.
"Wow, Izzy! No girl has ever worn my shirt before!"
He admired my clothing.
I jumped as Clarence woke up.
"Guys we have to get ready for school!"
As I walked through the halls, kids paid no attention to my clothing. Except Jeff.
"Um, not to invade your personal space, but isn't that Sumo's shirt?"
His voice was high.
I nodded.
"So what? You got a problem?" I flicked his cheek and continued my way to class.
Jeff squeaked behind me and muttered to himself.
I heard loud footsteps behind me.
It was Chelsea.
"Oh my gosh Dude! You're wearing Sumo's favorite shirt! He never gives that thing to anybody!"
I was shocked.
"Seriously? Man, he's a weird kid," I laughed with Chelsea.
We walked together down the halls.
"Why she give it to you?" She asked.
"I didn't really plan for his sleepover with Clarence. So I only brought my backpack. This is pretty much just his outfit,"
I smiled crookedly.
"Ah, I see not only Belson likes you!"
I shook my head.
"They don't like me. Except, just yesterday, I received a note in my desk asking if I wanted to be this guy's girlfriend.
"It didn't say who it was from, but they left a package in my backpack!"
Chelsea brought her head to the side.
"What was it?"
"Belson! It was gameboy! It had to be him!"
I spotted him down the hall.
My chest burned in anxiety.
I walked slowly towards him.
Jeff pushed through.
"Izzy, you should be getting to class now. You'll be late, otherwise,"
I sighed.
"Thanks Jeff. I didn't know school had a bell," my sarcasm got the best of me as I walked through the door to Miss Baker's room, once again.
The lunch bell rang.
This time, Jeff sat at the table with Sumo and Clarence and I.
"So. I didn't know I got replaced by a girl. I thought you hated girls, Sumo," Jeff said, a serious tone in his sentence.
Sumo shrugged.
"She's more of a tomboy. And I can be friends with whoever I want Jeff! You should actually meet her! She gets straight A's!" He said proudly.
I nodded slowly, choking down my food.
Clarence inhaled his food, not paying attention to anything going on.
Jeff looked at me.
"You get good grades?"
I smiled.
He held out his hand.
"My name is Jeffrey Randell,"
I shook it.
"Isabel Kewlaski,"
Jeff, Sumo, Clarence and I walked down the sidewalk.
"So, you guys had a sleepover last night, I heard?" Jeff asked.
"Yeah! It was so fun! We watched movies and played games like Trust Fall and.."
His voice trailed off at the mention of last nights game.
"I gotta say, Izzy, you're not that bad. I thought you'd turn out raw, like Sumo," Jeff said, happily.
I laughed.
"Yeah. I mean, I make time for study and stuff, but I also play videogames and watch TV so my brain isn't 100% focused on academics,"
Jeff nodded.
"I see your point. It is true, you can't always benefit your academic side. Creativity should also be promoted!"
I accepted his take back.
"Wanna stop by my place, Izzy? You could meet my dogs and we could go lizard hunting!"
Sumo said, loudly.
"I can't, sorry dude, I have a stupid dinner to go to with my mom. Maybe next time?"
Sumo agreed.
"Sure, I guess," He got a bit droopy and his expression went from jumpy to sad.
I let Clarence and Jeff walk ahead.
"Sumo! Come here!" I said.
He slowed his pace to mine.
"What?" He was now ill-tempered, sass detected in his voice.
I grabbed his hand and continued walking.
His face went into full alert and turned red.
"I'll try to persuade my mom to let me stay. Then, maybe we could go lizard hunting!"
He smiled.
"Really? You'd do that for me?"
I nodded.
"Yeah! Also, I'll give you your clothes back tomorrow. Thanks again for letting me borrow them,"
Sumo looked at me, his ears burning.
"Just keep 'em. They look good on you anyway,"
He grinned and turned for his house.
His fingers escaping mine.

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