Lost in Thought

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Prompt|| Under _____. Fill in the blank. Complete your narrative.

   The echoes of a birds song rings through my head as I follow the little dirt path. Underneath me, the dirt crunches as my foot lands on a new part of the path. The new pathway is narrower than the one I'm on and little green patches of weeds litter the dirt pathway. Something about the path appeals to me. I'm not sure if it's how relevant it is to my situation right now, or it's just the fact that it's something different from my normal trek through the woods. Either way I turn direction and follow the new path.
    Tree branches snag on my black sweatshirt, but I ignore them, taking in the different scenery. The vibrant greens and browns threaten to diminish my knowledge of those colors. To my left a common robin sings out a light, melodious tone and it calms and of the nerves I might have had about the change of scenery. New kinds of plants catch my eye not but twenty feet in front of me and I stop to kneel and snap a picture with my green and black disposable camera. After capturing the picture, I stuff the camera back into the pocket of my hoodie and continue walking down the path.
   A few moments pass of me continuing down the pathway without a thought before he manages to find his way into my brain again. Just as i had been thinking before, how relevant this little trail was. I wish that i could be stronger and just say goodbye, but no matter how much I long for that, the fact still remains, I love him. No matter how many times he hurts me, I'll still choose him over and over again. He pushed me under the line of pressure, time and time again, but I still can't change the way I feel.
    I shake my head. I can't keep thinking about him. Not like this. A sudden burst of anger boils in my stomach at that thought and I stop at the tall birch tree with a branch low enough for me to climb onto. Placing my foot onto a small crevice in the tree's rough skin, I push myself up onto the bottom most branch and ready my legs for the next level. By the time I've made it to about the sixth branch up, my arms and legs ache from being overworked. My sudden feelings of anger continue ruthlessly as I right myself on the rough branch.
   My honey blond hair stuck to the stump and tugged at the top of my head. It stung, but I focused on my thoughts about him. The man I love. Every thought of him that filtered through my brain was one out of pressure. The everlasting painful thought of him was looming over my head as I realized I now had a new choice and under the pressure of the two new paths, I choose the one that's true to my heart. Freeing myself from the constant, nagging pain.

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