My OC Vannessa!

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You guys don't know HOW MUCH I love her! I'll put her bio and back story stuff down below. You don't have to read if you don't want to! I just really love my child!

Villain name: Black Widow

Full name: Vannessa  Marie Rose

Undercover job(s): Stripper, Prostitute

Villain job: Assassin

Family: Summer Rose(mother), Jacob Shellrock(father)

Married to: Angeline (Diablo)

Hair color: Black

Eye color: brown (natural), red (contacts)

Height: 5'4 1/2

Weight: 135 lbs

Age: 26

Species: Human

Ability: Shape shift

Likes: Video games, art, her jobs, Angeline.

Dislikes: Her parents, annoying men (customers), Veggies, research facilities. 

Extra: Tattoo on her left inner arm, scar on her right side of face and small scar on her nose.


Vannessa was 16 when she started working at an organization called-S.A.A (Special Abilitied Assassins). She started working here because her parents figured out that she had abilities, so they gave her to some scientist and they did experiments on her. Before she would get killed at the scientist hands, the organization found her and they helped her out of  the place and to get her back to health. They asked her if she wanted to become an assassin with her abilities, if she didn't she would be able to leave unscratched and one of the agents would drive her to a safe place to live. (because she didn't have a home anymore)(horrible ass parents) If she did want to become an assassin then the training will not be easy and she will have to work hard everyday. She agreed to the terms and the organization was very pleased with her answer. She then had to go through very hard training for woman agents and she was very skillful at that. She was an excellent agent in training! She then has been working there for 10 years and had found a wife in the past 5 years. She met Angeline when she had to go on a mission with her. She had noticed first hand that Angeline was a transgender, she was very excited to meet this "Angeline." After the mission Vannessa was basically attached to Angeline, (it seemed that she didn't care). Angeline has told Vannessa her real name before she changed it (Angelo). Vannessa has also figured out that Angeline was one of the few agents that were very high in ranks. Everyone always talked about her but they never said her real name except they called her "Diablo" (Spanish meaning: devil). She didn't know why until she went on that mission with Angeline. Angeline, was very skillful and was super quick, her ability(s) was: Fire breather, and ignition. She has never seen so much fire before and she also noticed that Angeline basically put the fear of God into the people that she was against. So Vannessa was very please in the next month that Angeline would accept her date! They have been together ever since.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2018 ⏰

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