Chemical Romance

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It was a peaceful morning, dew on the grass, the sun's ray through the window. Two sleeping silhouettes on the couch. It was the two very neutral racers of the Metal Tekus, Karma Eise and Taro Kitano.

The clock in the hallway struck 9 o'clock. Karma started to stir, she opened her eyes and looked around. She looked up to see Taro sleeping sound. Oh how Karma loved to see him sleeping so peacefully, he would rarely smile,  yet in his sleep he would almost all the time. His soft expression made her smile,  she loved him very much. But she has a dark past and so does he,  they are not sure when they can tell each other, for they are not sure either one is ready for the truth, yet.

Karma leaned up, trying not to disturb her sleeping lover. But two strong arms pulled her back down, and a soft voice spoke through the silence. "No, stay" Taro said softly for only her ears to hear. She chuckled and spoke "Well I'm hungry,  and I'm pretty sure the others are going to want something too" she insisted. "Can't we have a day to ourselves, I mean is it too much to ask?" taro said pulling her and himself up off the couch.

"Well if we did they would miss us too much" Karma said. "A man can dream" he said in sort of a gruff. And in Karma's response she stuck her tongue out at him and started off to the kitchen. Of course he darted out after her. "Hey! What did I do? I didn't deserve that" he grabbed her waist and pulled her around so now she was facing him. "Everyone dreams and that's not one of them,  I know" she said matter-of-factly while poking his chest. "Do you ever consider the fact that I can dream many things"he said trying to win the argument."Well yeah but, your dreams are now limited" Karma said in such a threatening way, turning out of his grip to go get some things to make breakfast. "Is this why you wanted all of us to live in the same house when you know they still have problems?" he said while leaning on the counter and crossing his arms. "Well we did just join the teams together, and you guys need to learn to get along. Or it's gonna be nothing but havoc in this house" she said while getting a pan and some eggs to start making breakfast. Taro headed to the dining room to set the table and wait for the others.

Just as karma cracked the first egg, the pair could hear arguing coming from the stairwell. "Oh no, here comes the Wilde's" Karma said with a groan. "...No, You said that I could be the one to get food tonight, not Vert" Markie said to Kurt in disgust. "Does it really matter who goes?" Kurt said in annoyance. "Karma! you were there when he said I could get take out? Right!?" Markie whined more or less. "Hey,  don't bring me into this.  That's all on you." she said while cracking the third egg, and starting to whisk the eggs in the pan and turning on the stove.

"Well, how else am I supposed to make my point?" Markie questioned trying to make a pouty face. Karma still focusing on the eggs, said "Maybe, if you both talked it out instead of arguing so much, your life would go so much smoother" ending her sentence off looking at the brothers with a serious expression. "Fine" Kurt finally said after half a minute of very disturbing silence. "You can get take out tonight". Unknowingly to the brothers Vert walked in "That's what your so upset about?! Are you kidding me,  I could have slept in longer" he groaned while sitting next to taro. "Your not the only one" Pork Chop's rough voice boomed in the doorway followed in by Monkey who was rubbing his eyes from the bright room.

"Okay, so now that everyone is coming in, who wants scrambled eggs for breakfast?" Karma sorta yelled from the kitchen knowing that everyone wanted some. Nolo and Lani walked in. Lani made a bee line towards the kitchen to help Karma with breakfast. Nolo on the other hand, just slumped into the chair next to Pork Chop and sighed heavily. "What's wrong with you?" Monkey said concerned for his new friend, and now teammate."Ah, you know, I'm not really sleeping we-" Kurt perked up at what he was saying and interrupted "We all know Damn well that's a lie". "So,  what's really wrong?" Vert asked trying to be nice. "How do you tell someone you like them? AND! How do you know when your family won't judge you?" Nolo asked looking down with an ashamed look on his very worn out face.

"What do you mean? Are you saying you gay for someone?" Vert said really just to be humorous. But when Nolo nodded his head, Vert stopped smiling and patted him on the back reassuringly. "Hey man, we won't see you any different.""No matter what" Shirako came in and listened in.   

For once.

"Yeah Nolo, your our leader, we respect you. And I'm gay, you don't see me differently. Do you?" Kurt asked trying to lighten the mood. "No, I see you the same way I saw you when I met you" Nolo had a shit-eating grin on his face. "Okay, how do you see me on wise leader of ours?" Kurt was curious and he also knew that he was planning something that would kill his ego. "Your a big fat d-" Nolo immediately shut his mouth when Tork walked in. So, now everyone was just waiting to hear what he was going to say. Karma knew why he got quiet, but decided to say nothing, because she knew exactly what he felt three weeks ago when she finally said yes to dating Taro. She then serve breakfast. "I'm a big fat what?" Kurt asked with enthusiasm. Instead of saying anything, Nolo left to the garage, bumping into Dr. Tesla and Kadeem.

"What's up with him" Tork asked Taro, sitting across from him. "I think you should go talk to him,  he'll listen to you" Taro knew as well. But he knew something that Karma didn't. Tork also has feelings for other men. Well a certain man by the name Nolo. "He did just leave because I walked in" Tork made his point and started to eat. "Tork, you really should talk to him" Kadeem said with his thick accent. Tork groaned trying to escape his feelings, but got up and walked to the garage to 'talk' to Nolo.


Nolo was confused, angry, but most of all he was sad. He was confused, because he wasn't sure if he like men, women, or both. He was angry that he didn't know or why. Last but, not least he was sad. He was sad that he thinks that Tork will never love him, and that Lani kept flirting with him when he was flirting with Tork. Nolo was now throwing things at the wall, from bolts, wrenches, and even tire rims, the heavy ones at that.

He was so caught up with his temper tantrum he didn't hear to door open. Just when he was about to hit his own car with a hammer, someone behind him grabbed his arms. "I do t think you want to do that" he let go of the hammer when he figured out who grabbed it. "Are you okay Nolo? You aren't acting right" Tork asked calmly still holding Nolo's other arm while putting the hammer down. "No" was all he chocked out. For some reason his throat went dry, his eyes started to water, and he just didn't want to face his fear. Tork could hear the quiver in that one word. Then it clicked, it finally all made sense to him. Nolo flirting wasn't just to play around, he was actually trying to get his attention and Lani was just there to make him jealous. Karma she must have put her up to this. He would have to remember to thank her later.

He was so caught up in the train of thought that he only came out of it when he felt Nolo shuddering under his touch. He turned Nolo to look at him, but Nolo just pushed him away, of course Tork just gripped his arm tighter and physically made Nolo face him. But what he saw in front of him and what he heard come out of Nolo's mouth made his heart ache. His eyes were red and puffy with waterfall like patterns down his cheeks, but it's what he said that hurt Tork the most. "I tried so hard to get your attention! You never take me seriously, you think I'm childish and immature! And don't you DARE say you don't! I HEARD you say it! But now all the sudden you just want to Waltz in here and asked what's wrong with ME! ME, TORK! ITS YOU THAT HAS THE PROBLEM!" Nolo screamed and spit venom in his words like a cobra does his prey.

Tork didn't know what to say or do. So he just stood there in silence neither of them knowing that the others could hear every word that was said when tork walked in,  because someone forgot to close the door. "Look Nolo,  I was blind to see that I could have had something amazing in my life and now I see that I was ignorant and self-centered. I know now that I have upset you and I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you, because right now Nolo. Your all I need." Tork now had tears in his eyes wanting Nolo to know how he truly felt. "So do you forgive me?" Tork asked hoping for even a maybe.

Nolo smiled and pulled tork in a big hug and said "Of course, your everything to me" Tork could be happier in his entire life. Tork then grabbed the back of Nolo's neck and pulled him into a nice sweet life-changing kiss. Nolo blushed but kissed back feeling the warmth the radiated off of Tork. The kiss didn't last long when they heard the sound of an iPhone camera click. They both turned to see Karma and Taro in the doorway smiling great big and Karma said with a bow "Now that is what I call a Chemical Romance".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2018 ⏰

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