Chapter 5

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Hope you all enjoy!

Chapter 5

Hours turned into days, and soon enough days turned into a week. I had been at school for an entire week now. The old woman only appeared one other time. I was not touching a lot of stuff, so there were fewer visions. I hung out with my new friends, and got a lot closer to them. Scott still wanted to hang out with me sometimes, but he wouldn't really do it if I was with my group of friends.

I was sitting in the middle of Biology, sitting next to some girl the teacher had stuck me by. She was texting her "friend" under the desk. I was slumped against my desk trying not to fall asleep, while the teacher sat upfront grading some work.

We were supposed to be working with our table partners on some questions at the end of the section. My partner really didn't want to do anything other than text her "friend". So I was left on my own, I tried to focus on what I had written on my paper. Ivy M. Per. 7. That was truly all I had down. I looked down at my book to reread the first question for the tenth time, and still my brain wouldn't focus enough to figure out what it was asking.

Finally the bell rang. I scooped up all of my work and stuffed it into my bag, fleeing the classroom. Once I was out in the hallway I waited for my friends to come out.

"Hey sorry I fled, I couldn't stand another minute in there," I apologized to them.

"None of us can."

I said goodbye and walked down the hall towards Sociology. For some reason the classes like Sociology and Business were all on their own separate wing that fanned far back before you reached the classrooms. I walked passing a couple that was taking advantage of the silence down this hallway. The lights flickered like they always did. I sighed when everything was plunged into darkness. I heard a shriek from the girl I had passed. I followed the dim lights from the windows down the hall.

Suddenly a small light was glowing down halfway between the classroom and me. I slowly started to walk towards it, but then it shot off down the hall waiting by a wall. Well this has never happened to be before. I walked up to it passing the classroom that I was supposed to go in, and passing a few more along the way. The light was very dim, flickering in the darkness, but still better than the darkness. I was only a couple of feet away. I reached out to the white flickering flame. Suddenly it jolted away from me and into the wall.

I heard the bell ring, warning us class was beginning. I glanced back at the wall one more time before taking off in the darkness to the classroom. I turned the handle and flung open the door, letting light pour into the hall. Everyone turned up to look at me.

"Ivy, why are you late?" the teacher asked me sternly.

"The lights blew out in the hallway again. It was hard to find my way," I gave my excuse.

He walked over to the door, opening it to reveal the lights flickering like usual.

"But-" I started.

"Just sit down," He said sternly.

I quickly scurried to my seat, pulling out my Sociology book and notebook. I know that the lights went out. It couldn't have been a vision. I mean sure the light thing was a vision, but not the lights going out in the hall. That girl had screamed when they went out. That was proof, right? I pleaded with myself. What if I was going crazy? I thought. I couldn't even tell the difference between reality and visions.

I shook it off, going back to listening to the teacher as he told us we were watching a video. I really didn't know what you'd be watching for Sociology, but I was about to find out. I lay my head on my book and watched the movie. I must have been exhausted, because the next thing I know the lights are going on and the class is groaning. I looked around to see a few other student waking up like me. I quickly sprinted into the main hallway before being caught, and up the stairs going to my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2012 ⏰

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